Got to Use the Feather Duster

Hearing Mu Jingzhe's words, Ji Buwang nodded to show that he understood. However, he asked, "What if he doesn't know how to concentrate? Besides, even if he doesn't work, he should learn something."

Mu Jingzhe nodded. "You have a point. I'll go get him."

Since it was Mu Jingzhe asking, Xiao Wu finally got to work obediently. However, after she left, he snuck out to play while Ji Buwang wasn't paying attention.

Besides, he couldn't be called back anymore. When she saw Mu Jingzhe, he wheedled and said that it would definitely be the last time.

Ji Buwang shrugged. "Look, he's so brazen now. He knows you will indulge him."

Children had to be pampered, but they definitely couldn't be pampered when they shouldn't be. For instance, suddenly going off to play while doing homework was not okay.