Have to Find the Time to Date

Ji Buwang could finally relax a little after feeling so tense all this while, but Mu Jingzhe's way of proving she was recovering was a tad too strange.

"What's wrong with my method of proving it? I think it's fine. Don't tell me you don't believe me? I can lift you with one hand now." As Mu Jingzhe spoke, she placed the table down. Looking at Ji Buwang, she felt tempted to pick him up to prove it to him.

Her hand was about to touch Ji Buwang's clothes when she saw Ji Buwang look over dangerously. "Lift me?"

Seeing Ji Buwang's gaze, Mu Jingzhe was jolted back to her senses. "Not lift you, but carry you. That was just a verb."

After saying that, she wrapped her arms around Ji Buwang's waist and lifted him up. "See? My strength has returned. If another person comes, I could hold each person in one hand."

Ji Buwang: "You even want to hold one man with each arm? Who do you want to hug?"