Chapter 13

Tang Qingru saw him so, quickly diverted his attention.

"All right! You are busy with your work Tang Qingru said, "if you can't get used to the food there, come back and eat it! I can cook food for you any time. "

Nalanling looked at the gentle girl in front of her. Her eyes are so soft, like a wisp of wind, blowing away his impetuous heart, but also with him out of the trough.

"Good." Nalanling said with a smile, "I think I can't bear to come back to you after three or four days."

"Your mouth is too big for three days. You have to come back to me tomorrow." Tang Qingru said haughtily, "no matter how good the life of a wealthy family is, it can't match my craftsmanship."

Nalanling saw a dead leaf fall. There is a bug on that leaf. It fell directly on Tang Qingru's head. Seeing this, nalanling quickly picked it off.

Tang Qingru looked closely at the handsome man in front of her. Family change didn't make him dark, he was still so clean and sunny. Even she had to admire him for that. If it was her, there would be no way to be so open-minded.

If at first she had to stay to take care of him because of the original owner, now he is influenced by him, admires him and is willing to help him.

"I'll pack up for you." Fortunately, his clothes have been ready for a long time. Now he just needs to pack them up and take them away.

Seeing off nalanling, Tang Qingru is a little lonely. She felt that it was too hard to take care of things here by herself. She had to buy two servants to help.

So she went to the dentist's shop and picked out two teenage girls. The two girls are children of poor families. One is because the family wanted to marry the eldest brother, and they couldn't get a betrothal gift, so they sold her to raise money. Another is that the mother of the family is seriously ill, and there are younger brothers and sisters to take care of. Dad is a gambler, not to mention taking care of them, but also implicating them in debt collection. In order to find his younger brother and sister, he sold himself and fell into Tang Qingru's hands as a servant.

When Tang Qingru saw the two girls, it was not easy to sympathize with them, so she bought them. The two girls didn't disappoint her. They came from poor families and worked very well. So four rooms, one for each, is very suitable.

Tang Qingru is generous. She uses good quilts and clothes for the girls. The two girls had never worn such good clothes and were moved to cry on the spot.

"I used to wear my mother's old clothes. My mother can't wear it any more. She can't patch it any more, so she cut it down and gave it to me. " The maid named jin'er said.

"Sister jin'er, don't be sad. Everyone comes here like this." The other is huan'er, half a year younger than jin'er.

Tang Qingru came out with vegetables and said to the two girls, "come and have dinner!"

Huan'er and jin'er see Tang Qingru coming out with vegetables. Their faces become very nervous. They just looked at their new clothes and forgot what they had to do.

They took Tang Qingru's plate. Huan'er said: "girl, let the maid cook in the future! I've been a slave since I was a child, and I'm good at it. "

Tang Qingru thought in her heart: finally, she can live a life of eating and drinking.

Tang Qingru is a very lazy person. If she can be lazy, she certainly doesn't want to do anything. Although she uses systematic life skills to do these things easily, she still wants to be a shopkeeper if she can't move. But it's a doctor's duty to save lives and heal the wounded. Even if she doesn't care for life, she will go back to her old career. After all, it's cruel to look at those people who are suffering from serious illness, but she has the ability to save them. Now she is in a hurry to unlock the locked drugs, not only for her own convenience, but also to save more patients.

"Girl, we are maidservants. We can't share the same table with girls." Although jin'er was born in a peasant family, he had heard of the rules of many wealthy families. When she saw that Tang Qingru had brought three bowls and chopsticks, she said to Tang Qingru. "Maidservant and huan'er, just go to the kitchen and have something to eat."

"I don't have so many rules here. There are three people here. I sit at a big table and you two eat in the kitchen. Is that interesting? " Tang Qingru said: "besides, if you don't fill your stomach now, how can you help me in the future? You can eat with confidence! I can afford you

"Yes." Huan'er said happily, "sister jin'er, this meat is delicious. I haven't eaten meat for years. If only my brothers and sisters could eat it. "

Jin'er stepped on huan'er. She glared at huan'er.

Huan'er came back to his senses. She quickly explained: "girl, don't worry. The maid is just worried about her younger brother and sister. She won't send the girl's things to them."

Looking at huan'er, Tang Qingru wiped her lips and said, "you've stepped into my door, and then you'll be my people. I don't care that you care about your family, but if you eat inside and outside, don't blame me for being rude. Do you know what the master will do with the servants? It's just a common thing to fight and kill. Even if a few servants are killed, the Yamen will not pay attention to them. So don't try to challenge my patience. When I buy you, I don't want you to fall into the dust when you are young. You saw it just now. If I don't buy you, you will be bought by rufenglou's mother. "Huan'er was just worried about her family members. For a moment, she forgot her situation, so she complained in front of Tang Qingru. In retrospect, she really regretted her death.

Jin'er is smarter than huan'er and knows that there are some things to say and some things not to say. Don't say that Miss Tang is easy to talk about, but she is actually a person with deep secret. It's a feeling. Even she could not explain why she felt this way. When she saw Miss Tang, there was a voice in her heart: do you want to change your destiny? This man is your noble man. Be sure to go with her.

So she complied with the thought in her heart, and showed herself well when Miss Tang picked someone, and moved her with her own life experience. Fortunately, she was chosen by her.

After eating, Tang Qingru no longer cares about the remains on the table. She is polite to these two girls, does not mean that they can not recognize the identity. Anyway, we should do a good job as a maid. If you only know how to worry about people at home all day and want to take her things home, don't blame her. She's not a charity.

Just now, Tang Qingru was quite polite to these two girls. The reason why she suddenly changed her face was that she felt that huan'er was a little stupid. A big brother wanted to get married, and her family sold her to the bride price house, but she was still worried about their life. If her family really cares about her, why do they choose to exchange her for betrothal gifts? Is a daughter not as good as a daughter-in-law?

If she was born into such a family, let alone exchange herself for betrothal gifts, even if she ran away, it would not be cheap for them.

That's why she has the warning.

Huan'er and jin'er clear the table. After cleaning up, one person is responsible for carrying water and the other person is responsible for washing clothes. Just now, Tang Qingru said that there was a master here. He used to call him childe.

Huan'er and jin'er are pretty. I used to live a hard life without wearing good clothes. Now when I change into the clothes that Tang Qingru bought, I not only look energetic, but also look very pretty. It used to be only two colors, but now it's five. Tang Qingru's ordinary face in front of the two people a contrast, really do not look like many ladies.

All right! The original owner is not miss you. Therefore, there is no doubt that there is no such thing. The problem is, she's miss everyone!

In the kitchen, jin'er said to huan'er, "how can you make such taboos? For these masters, once they enter his house, they are his people. Our family sold us out, and we had nothing to do with our family anymore. Don't forget, we have signed the deed of sale now, not the body of freedom. If the girl wants to change our name, we can't refuse. Why do you think about the people in your family? No wonder girls get angry. Remember, don't be taboo, or you will suffer. "

Huan'er had known for a long time that he was wrong. She took jin'er's hand and cried: "sister jin'er, do you hate me? I really didn't mean to

"I don't think so. The girl is not such a mean person Jin son thought to want to say.

"You've just met her and haven't contacted her before. How do you know if she isn't?" Huan'er is crying.

In the yard, Tang Qingru said to the two girls inside: "huan'er, jin'er, you come out to help."

The two girls looked at each other. Huan'er rushed out. She wiped the water stains on her scarf and said with a smile, "girl, what can I do for you?"

She heard the conversation between the two girls in the kitchen. After all, with her ear power, there is no way to hear. But she pretended not to hear!

Tang Qingru thought about it and said, "I haven't done any farm work. I don't know how to grow these vegetables. Aren't you farmers? Take care of it for me! "

Huan'er looks at the vegetable seeds and finally understands why Tang Qingru is in a dilemma. She squatted down, took the small shovel from Tang Qingru's hand and said, "maidservant, do it!"

"It's up to you. I'm going to buy medicine. " Tang Qingru said: "there are so many kinds of medicinal materials that they can't be handled well in a few days. You are here to cultivate a medicine garden. I want to plant some commonly used herbs. Then we will open up a vegetable field here, and the food rations at home will depend on your skills. "

"Don't worry, girl. We are both from the farm family. We are good at work." Jin'er said with a smile: "go ahead, girl! Come back and you'll see the results of both of us. "

Tang Qingru gives them the seeds and everything in the backyard. She buys medicine, prepares medicine cabinet, and prepares to open a shop.

For three days in a row, the people of King Qing's residence didn't look for her. She finally got the shop ready. At this time, nalanling stayed well in Li Fu and never came back.

Tang Qingru knows the location of Li's house. After all, there are few big families in the city, only one of which has just found a teacher. She didn't trust nalanling and went to Li's house with her cake. The guard of Li's house saw a little girl who was not good-looking. It was not until Tang Qingru stuffed silver that they went in and called for her.

Before long, nalanling came out under the guidance of the guard.

"Master Lin, this way, please." The guard said politely to nalanling, "master Lin, I've offended you so much just now. Don't worry about it. Master Lin is really capable of getting the trust of the two young masters so soon. In the future, our brother will rely on master Lin! By the way, it was given by Lin Fuzi's sister. How dare you accept it? "Na Lan Ling lightly looked at the guard and said: "forget it, I'm not such a mean person. But my sister will come to me later. Please come in and let me know. "

"Of course, of course." The guard rushed down.