Chapter 25

Space provided an infinite battleground, or better yet, a battlespace. The energy shield around the quintuplets, Raylay, and Ty quivered. It trembled like water droplets when force is applied nearby. Raylay extinguished it long enough to enable the cannons.

"Firing now," Raylay announced.

"Don't announce," Daly retorted. "Just do."

Lasers burst forth from the quadruplet cannons. An orb entered the line of fire, and it swallowed the lasers. Fragments of metal, leather, and flesh showered into the heavens. 

"We've got one," he said.

"Good," Daly said. "Now put on the energy shield."

Peace settled over Kieran, and Relda fixated on the sky. Bria pressed in closely to her.

"Mama," she said. "What's wrong?"

"They need our help," Relda said.

A breeze ruffled their hair, and Relda breathed it in.

"Get the transport ready," she instructed.

An incoming blast dissolved into their shield, and for an instant the color morphed into translucent red. Raylay shifted the controls, and the nose cone and front end dove. He removed the shield and assaulted another enemy orb. 

"There's no way we can take them out alone," Annika cried.

A break appeared in the orbs as Raylay took out another and shielded the transport. Lasers struck two more orbs, and a familiar transport asserted its presence. Relda and Ozla waved from the cockpit, and in unison, the clones squealed and waved back. 

The joy dissipated when a presence loomed overhead. 

"Can you feel that?" Anthem asked. "Something's above us."

"Why else would the orbs have stopped?" Annika added.

A sudden white light flooded the cockpit window, and in a beat, released them. Gunmetal gray encircled them. Their hearts skipped a beat when a rounded door slammed shut.