Chapter 28

A pounding drummed the side of Brade and Hunley's suite. Brade grabbed a ridge in the wall and created a rectangular opening in the wall. On the other side, two of the triplets crowded to peer through the opening.

"Hunley," Brade said. "Rhea and Skyla are waiting."

Hunley waved into the screen. 

"Gotta go," he told her. "There's a meeting." 

"Bye, Hunley," Daly said.

He turned his back, and Daly gasped at the lacerations that cluttered the bottom part of his neck.

Seconds later, Brade and Hunley sat side by side on Brade's cot. Rhea and Skyla separated. Rhea stood to the right side of the opening, and Skyla to the left. Beyond them, Anya and Sariah raised their hands.

"What are we meeting about?" Hunley asked.

Skyla gave a sarcastic eyeball roll.

"What do you think?" She mocked. 

"We want to escape," Rhea added.

"Before our next torture session," Anya yelled from Suite 3.

Hunley tapped his finger on his chin. Images flashed through his mind. From Adult Suite 1, Relda shut her eyes.

Master memory chip detected. Her own memory chip alerted her.

 As the images played in Hunley's mind, they downloaded to hers. Hunley watched as Dialorian guards goaded the triplets to an aluminum conductor chamber. Aluminum, but plexiglass on one side. Pink electricity bolts shocked the screaming triplets. Hunley, Brade, and Sariah shrank the farthest possible from the light.

"We're next," Sariah whispered.

Brade clapped his hand over her mouth. Hunley's heart palpitated. He smacked the heel of his hand against his forehead. 

Master memory chip temporarily offline, was the next notification that bombarded Relda's mind. 

Hunley ran his hand along the base of his long neck.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked.