Chapter 53

"Ozla? Klea?" A familiar voice yelled from deeper into the control center.

As the bottom of the ship closed up and the tractor beam reassembled the crew, Orz plodded over. He cradled two tiny bundles in his arms. Ozla felt a tangle of arms wrap around her. Silas and Acelynn laid their heads on her shoulders.

"Orz," Ozla said. "Who are these?"

He pulled the swaddle garments down long enough to show two teal young.

"This one is my son Saxon," he said, nudging his son.

"This one is Kaya," he said. "My daughter. Usually our kind has two per litter."

Kaya fussed.

"Can we do reunions later?" Elektra called from the control center. "We've got a base to blow up."

"We're littermates too," Acelynn said.

Her tone was gentle and innocent. Relda and the five oldest strode into the cockpit. Nessa brought a viewing screen online. A digital sight locked in on the base.

"Ozla," Relda beckoned. "Do you have the map?"

"Coming, Mother," Ozla said.

Silas and Acelynn released their grip, and Ozla watched the screen.

"I don't have it," she said.

Twelve pairs of eyes squinted at her.

"I have my Curian memory implant," she said. "I know the weak points on the base."

"Which are where?" Nessa wanted to know.

Ozla looked back at the children. They played and chased each other around.

"Under the children's prison suite," she said. 

She glanced at Nessa and said, "We only need one."

Nessa jerked the steering maneuver and nodded.

"Fair enough."