My dream was extremely vivid. I sat in some old ruins with my sword. I sat against an old marble column with a dagger stuck in my side, and two arrows in my chest. I tried to stand and cried out. I fell and pushed the dagger in deeper. It burned more than any normal dagger wound would, it felt like a cursed blade.
I looked out and saw Penny knocked out on a marble flooring. Her shield was ten feet in front of her, and her sword was stabbed into the ground.
Mino was next to me, his body was all twisted and his eyes were wide open. Mino was definitely dead.
Two more demigods fought a large monster. The monster was huge, but past that was a blob. The monster moved with the speed of a hurricane, but fought with the strength of a Spartan phalanx. I couldn't recognize the two demigods, but I made out a trident pendant. That was definitely Olivia, daughter of Poseidon.
The other demigod was blurry. All I could tell for sure was that it was a boy with blonde hair (probably a son of Apollo).
Across the way I could make out Seth. A spear was stabbed through his shield, and his stomach. Blood poured from his mouth, and his eyes and face slowly lost emotion. I tried to get to him, I had to get to Seth, but my body wouldn't let me. It felt like I was stuck in place, like superglue was holding me down.
The boy fighting the monster got knocked down, and I saw he was still wearing his school uniform. The patch on the uniform was torn, but I was able to make it out. A bow pointing to the left, he was a son of Apollo.
I woke up shaking on the verge of tears. The sun was out and in my eyes, and Leonidas was marching with his troops. I had slept through the night outside again, my stepmother was not going to be happy. A shadow moved in front of me blocking the sun from getting in my eyes, I looked up to see what was casting it and saw Seth. He stood above me with concern on his face.
"You okay sis?" He asked holding his hand out.
I took it and let him help me up. "Yeah, just a nightmare. Father let you come to Elysium?" I said looking at him.
Seth looked uneasy "He needs you. Like now." He said.
I sighed, and walked down the cliff through Elysium. I walked to the gates to see Cerberus standing guard growling. I walked to the left gate, the one he was guarding, and knelt down. Once again he sniffed me. He still growled lightly. The right head sniffed as well, as if he suddenly didn't remember who I was cause I was going through a different gate. Eventually he used his left head to open the gate, and I quickly walked through it not wanting to be next to an angry Cerberus.
I walked through the underworld to the path of my fathers palace. Old, broken, columns lined the black sandy path. I could feel the crunch of glass as I walked along the path. The steps leading up were marble covered in soot and ash. I jogged up, and stepped into the palace to see my father talking to my aunt Demeter. He saw me and quickly dismissed her, and she didn't seem to be to happy about it.
My father smiled nervously, and I knew exactly why. Demeter wanted her daughter back early. Only certain gods were allowed in the main part of the Underworld including my aunts and uncles, my stepmother, and Hermès. If my dad had it his way, Demeter would not be one of those gods allowed in.
Demeter rolled her eyes, and walked away as my father led me down to the kitchen. "I felt your fear from across the Underworld. What's wrong?" He asked handing me a plate.
"Nightmares." I answered, grabbing an apple that immediately turned to ash in my hands.
"You know more." He said. His smile was fading.
"Prophecy level nightmare." I said, I grabbed another apple and put it on my plate.
Hades followed me "Who died?" he asked.
"No one" I said grabbing some bacon.
It turned to ash the second I grabbed it.
I should've learned that lying to a god would have consequences, even if he was my father.
"Theseus....and I think Seth..." I said grabbing some more bacon.
It stayed in tact long enough for me to put it on my plate, Hades watched and nodded.
"Aren't tricks Hermès' thing?" I asked putting a bit more food on my plate.
"Have you seen what I've done to some people down here?" Hades answered.
I sighed softly and grabbed a cup.
"Now last question. What were you all fighting, and how dangerous was it?" He asked grabbing a jug.
"Don't know." I said.
Hades poured some water into my cup, but it went back into the jug.
"You know something." He said.
"It was powerful enough to put six Demigods out of commission. Including Me, Theseus, Seth, and I think Olivia." I said.
Hades poured some more water in my cup, and it stayed.
"Hhhmmm. Maybe a Titan then, or an older monster like the manticore. Maybe one of the high energy ones as well...." Hades said getting lost in thought.
I sat down, and started to eat as my father kept thinking. He walked out. Titans were strong, older monsters like Cerberus or Medusa were scary, and high energy ones like Centaurs or Griffins were horrifying.
I kept running through the lists of monsters when I heard it, I heard the voice that would change the course of my life.