CHAPTER XVII:Eagle Way To Heaven.

The ship slowly pulled up to the Golden Florida shore. Birds squawked their displeasure, and animals moved out of way quickly avoiding the ship of the dead and damned.

Adam was checking my brother and Mino for any wounds, while the dead vanished one by one. Luckily Seth walked away with a few cuts and some scrapes, while Mino took a shallow slash to the chest.

When the ship finally came to a stop, the skeleton crew had all disappeared, everyone except Jason and the living were gone. Hermès fluttered on to the deck, and looked at astonished to find everyone alive with minor injuries (if any). He wore typical beach attire, a brightly colored swim shirt and white swim shorts with a sun visor, and his famous winged sandals.

"Mary, I assume you got the artifacts." Hermès said.

I nodded and pointed to the bags. I walked to the chest Hermès gave us, and took out the packaging stickers. They all had 'To:Olympus Vault. From:' written on then in bold black lettering. I wrote my name, Olivia's name, and Penny's name on one each, and I followed it with our god parent (typical deliverance font). I stuck the stickers onto the bags, and they just vanished with Hermès.

Hermès was suddenly in front of me, at the speed of light, holding four individual sacks of drachmas with the symbol of Olympus. Where or how he got them was beyond me, but at least the artifacts were back.

Hermès gave one bag each to me, Olivia, and Penny "For your help," He said while giving the last bag to Adam "and this is the reward for killing Medusa.".

Adam smiled bright, and I could see the Apollo in him. That bright bright, shining smile. You could stand next to the sun titan and feel cold compared to the warmth Adam's smile gave off.

"As for this quest. All of you are to return to school. You'll be given room 6A in the Q wing where you'll be given maps on where every mythical location has moved to. I pray for your sake that you don't have to go into the Labyrinth. This quest as you know is not complete, but rather just beginning. I pray for your speed in finding the next location." Hermès started walking to the end of the ship, "Oh and Mary. The gods you helped today want to see you." He said smiling.

Hermès then suddenly vanished and my heart seemed to as well. Meeting one god is okay, two is pushing my limit, three is when you're in trouble, but four? Forget it. Someone will be zapping you, or giving you a war starting gift (Like I don't know APHRODITE).

I sat down and gave Penny my dagger, and she looked at me confused.

"I'm going to meet your mother, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Ares in the same room! Oh gods please kill me now Penny!" I said.

Penny gave me the dagger back and smiled "oh drama drama drama, you'll do fine Mary. Besides what's the worst that can happen." She said.

Before I could even start a sentence an Eagle the size of a Volkswagen swooped down and carried me away, Aquila.

"Fuck you oversized feather duster! Do I look like an Aquarius!" I yelled struggling.

It continued it's flight path to the sky, as I continued to struggle knowing I could fall to my death at any second but I really didn't care. If I had died before I got to Olympus, life would be great, Asphodel couldn't be that bad. Suddenly Aquila ripped through the clouds at the speed of a torpedo cutting through the water, it let out an a screech and divine energy filled the air. In a moment of haze I lost focus, and was suddenly dropped on a marble and gold floor.

"STAND!" A voice boomed.

I could feel the floor shake, and I slowly looked up. I saw four blurry figures, all recognizable as gods but hard to place "Give me a second. I'm not used to heights, or pillows carrying me to said heights." I said breathing hard.

I'm not afraid of heights, and Pegasus flying was something I excelled at in school, I never went above the clouds. Especially since if I did during the day, some god of light would strike me down.

"I told you we should've done it at the school. She's a daughter of Hades, and she lives in the Underworld." A familiar voice called out.

"I kind of like her like that. She finally can't talk back." Aphrodite said.

I knew her voice. You could blindfold me, and I'd know that voice. I finally caught my breath and stood up. Athena was in a throne decorated with lots of royal blue, and a stack of books on every subject next to her. As well as her spear, which leaned against her throne. Zeus sat in marble throne lined with platinum that sparked with Lightning. Ares had a marble throne decorated with animal pelts, grizzly trophies from every war, and his knives in the arm rests. His favorite city was obviously Sparta since he had several of their shields and helmets on the throne. Next to him was Aphrodite. Her throne was decorated with a use of pink and fuchsia, and somehow even more flowers than I could imagine.

"Hello Mary." Zeus said "We've been deciding what your gift should be, but first we want your report on your quest.".

I gave them the general explanation of what happened on the gorgon island. Even the fact that a demigod stole the artifacts from the vault, and gave them to Medusa. At the mention of Medusa, Athena looked away towards Poseidon's throne. Zeus seemed to notice it and snapped her attention back to me, Aphrodite had the same reaction to Scylla. She had turned away as well, oh the stories I knew of that warranted those reactions.

"Any clue on which demigod did it?" Ares asked.

I looked at him. He looked way different in his godly form. He wore Spartan polemarch armor and his eyes were on fire. Like literally on fire.

"It couldn't have been a kid of Athena, Apollo, or Helios. With the evidence so far it could be a Huntress, a kid of Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Ares, Hecate, or Selene." I said.

"Why not Athena, Helios, or Apollo?" Aphrodite asked.

"Athena children are deathly afraid of gorgons, especially Medusa. As for Apollo and Helios their kids can't fly at night because of Selene. That and there's only four ways to get into the Sea of Monsters at night. Swimming under water, flying, sailing through the strait, or shadow travel." I said.

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Athena asked "You aren't excluded from the list.".

"Ask your loving father why it's not me." I said, I tried not to show it, but I was angry with Zeus.

"She can't use her powers well. She's drained of all ability to call the dead and shadow travel. That's why she has the cursed dagger on her side. That and I would've stopped her in flight in the height it would've taken." Zeus said, and Athena nodded in response to the new information. Her fist clenched slightly at her father's words, but quickly rested back on the throne.

"Now for a reward we discussed it, and we took your interest at heart. So here you are." Ares said tossing me a necklace.

It was a double blessing necklace. Whatever side you showed was the god's blessing you got. It had a blessing of Ares, and a blessing of my least favorite god. Aphrodite. Aphrodite smiled sweetly, the same sarcastic smile I assume she gave Hephaestus on dates. I'd have to use the necklace to not disrespect the gods, especially since disrespecting Aphrodite meant disrespecting Ares and Hephaestus.

I went to say something, I stepped forward, and suddenly I was in Elysium in my bedroom. I blinked a bit, and since I was a little disoriented, laid down. Snaking the charm on the necklace through my fingers.