The stranger at the bar

So here I am sitting alone in a cozy restaurant on a date night, with my date nowhere to be seen. I have texted and called him several times, but he has neither replied my text messages nor picked up my calls. I glanced at my phone checking the time, he was supposed to be here at 8, and now it is almost 10 pm. I need to face the fact that he is never going to show up.

Eliot billed out on me. I was getting ahead of myself, thinking that hot guy would want to go out with someone like me. The fact was there, he was totally out of my league. My face turn sour, feeling devastated and hurt. When just I needed to see him, hoping it will help me get over the intense moment I had with Mr. Smith. I grunted.

"Miss will you like to order anything?" A waitress asked. I didn't notice she was hovering around the table.

"A glass of red wine please" I ordered.

She nods striding away.

Soon she was back shortly with the glass of wine.

I thanked her, and she went away.

My heart was clouded with gloominess, intensifying the ache in my heart. Why could he ask me on a date if he knows he is not interested in me in the first place. I was right about him just trying to make it up to me due to how rude he was to be the first day we met. Well, I guess he realized I wasn't worth it.

I was boiling with anger, he had to toy with my emotions. And he wasn't man enough to pick up my calls. I pray I never see his coward ass ever again.

I thought of calling AJ but he has not returned any of my calls. He is still avoiding me.

I glanced around and noticed the place was packed with couples. I was the only one sitting alone at my table. The only girl here who got stood up by her date.

I noticed a lovely couple sitting at the table opposite mine. I saw how the guy was staring at the girl with a glint of love and adoration, is like she is the most beautiful girl in the world to him. I gaze at them with a yearning desire and envy. I wondered what it will feel like to have someone look at me that way. It was a dream far from my reach. I'm surely going to die a virgin.

I realized how lonely and miserable my life was. If AJ gets out of my life, there are no doubts I'm going to become the most lonely person on earth.

Having waited long enough, it's time I get the hell out of here. I called the waitress and paid my bill

I walked out with nowhere in mind to go. There is no way I'm going back to the mansion. I don't think I can stand the sight of seeing Mr. Smith with his girlfriend all over him.

I decided to go to a small bar downtown. I didn't call up James to come pick me up. So I took a cab there.

It was just a 30 minutes drive and I arrived at my destination.

There were few people around when I walked in. I'm glad, times like this I hate crowds.

I quickly took a seat at the counter. I ordered a glass of beer, I don't normally take in alcohol. Tonight was exceptional, I need to drink my sorrows away. I'm losing my best friend, and I just realized I'm attracted to the cocky handsome broody housemate of mine who has a beautiful goddess for a girlfriend. The worst of it is, he keeps popping up in my mind, driving me crazy with a pang of pain aching in my heart.

If I knew barging into his gym was going to result in me getting attracted to him, I would have minded my business and stayed right in my studio. That dark coal eyes of his, I knew they were trouble.

I gulped up the glass of beer. And order for a second glass. I wish AJ was here with me, he would have cheered me up. Have never felt this lonely as I'm feeling today in my entire life.

The bartender was a lady thankfully not a male that will remind me of that jerk called Elliot. She wasn't much of a talker as well.

Good, I don't have to start up an awkward conversation with her.

Soon I was on a third glass. Clearly showing how down and low I feel.

"Having a bad day huh" A guy suddenly said.

I ignored him and continued to sip my beer.


I froze, racked up with astonishment. I tilted my head to look at the stranger.

He was a typical ken doll. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect face, and body of a model.

My eyebrows arched at him.

"Do I know you, stranger? how did you know my name?"

His face eased into a boyish grin, the type that makes girls blush. I rolled my eyes. I know his type, the cocky playboy who thinks he can make every girl go weak in her knees with that kind of grin. I'm not falling for that.

"I don't think you know my little bird," he says.

My eyebrows raised with a bored expression.

Definitely a player, they always have names for every girl they meet. I'm still curious about how he got to know my name.

"I don't want to know either," I said nonchalantly.

He chuckled.

"How did you know my name? I don't think we have met," I asked

"Of course, we haven't, but fortunately I know your name, The one, and only April Jackson."

My eyebrows drew together in astonishment.

Okay, this is weird.

"I know you are not going to answer my question," I said and shrugged, I don't have time for a long chit-chat with him, which I perfectly know is what he wants, looking at the crook look in his eyes.

Ignoring him, I called the attention of the bartender, she served me with the fourth glass of beer.

His eyes fell on the glass of beer. "You don't perk me as a drunk,"

"Then you just know the name, not the girl" I annoyingly said.

He chuckles again.

"April Jackson, 24 years of age. A painter with no social life, with only one friend, AJ" he said.

I squinted my eyes at him "You got that information from my Facebook profile. I got one you know, and of course, everyone knows AJ the infamous pimp in the city"

I rolled my eyes. Such a lame-ass, thinking he can fool me with this act of his.

"The granddaughter of the late Margret Jackson who died eight years ago, leaving poor April an orphan at sixteen. She had to live on the street because she didn't know the whereabouts of her mother who abandoned her when she was just six years old." He blurted out.

I went pale, the hair at the back of my neck raised. My knuckles went white as I clenched my fist.

"Who the hell are you?" I shuddered..

He laughed wickedly

"Sweetheart, do you want to know more about your biography?" he wriggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head, fear tool grip of me, shaking me to the core.

I gaze at him and quiver in fright.

The grin on his face was creepily dangerous.

"What do you want from me?"

He frowns.

"Relax April, oops I scared you. Aww, I didn't mean to get you frightened. I always affect people this way the first time I meet them"

He smiled, placing his hand on my hand, patting it. I quickly jerk my hand off the counter.

 "No need to be afraid I'm not here to hurt you," he said in a soft tone

I shook my head. "Then why do you know much about me?"

"I'm the fucking CIA" he laughed

"Kidding little bird. I saw you with AJ sometime ago, and suddenly just wanted to be your friend. I'm always obsessed with knowing everything about people before I meet them. Fortunately, I met you here tonight. I'm amused though"

I paused, I felt less tensed up, he could be one of AJ's clients.

I shook my head. No, I'm not sure of that, with all the stuff he knows about me. It's only spies, detectives, and secret agents that digs up secrets about people's life. This guy could be one.

"You are a CIA agent," I said with a frown.

He laughed.

"Nope, do I look like a CIA agent? I'm way too handsome for that kind of job," he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes. This guy is full of himself, jeez.

"You creep the hell out of me with all that" I drank up the drink emptying the glass.

"Whoa, easy lad. I'm not sure you wanna get drunk" he said

I glared at him.

"So you decided to pry into my life because you want to be my friend? I don't believe your fake ass" I gave him a deadly glare.

"It's just an exciting game for me, I got the money and resources to do that so just can't help it, sorry for invading your privacy," he said with a pout

This guy is crazy. I took a good look at him. He was wearing a black expensive-looking suit with a gold wristwatch. His blonde hair was groomed nicely, His cologne smells good. I'm sure it is a very expensive brand. This clearly shows he is some rich dude who is bored of living in his mansion, so he has to pry into people's lives for fun.

"I don't want to be your friend, offer declined . I'm not one of AJ's girls he pimps". I said

"I don't do escort," he says in an unwavering tone.

I raised an eyebrow

"Right you are rich and handsome you got all the girls flaunting around you"

He laughed.

I started to feel tipsy, I have drunk more than I should.

"Which guy got you so heartbroken on a Friday night?"

My face ached into a frown.

"Who says I'm struck with a broken heart?" I feigned annoyance. I wish this annoying bug could just disappear from my sight.

"Everything shows. Girls don't dress like this, to just go sit alone at a bar drinking their ass off"

I grunted cringing at him. Yeah, right I dressed up nicely for a date that landed me here.

"None of your business" I snapped at him. I blamed AJ, he has all these creepy guys as clients, one just had to come to annoy the hell out of me on the worst day of my life.

He shrugged.

"Don't drink yourself to death over a guy who doesn't give a shit about you"

My face twisted into a cringe.

I know he is right, but the truth hurts.

He suddenly stood up and placed a card in front of me.

"My time is up" the expression on his face changed totally into a black solemn expression. Gone was the easy lazily cocky smile I noticed about him.

"I know you are still not convinced about my flimsy explanation, there is more to that, and little bird I know you are so curious " He stare at me with a brute, stoneless expression on his face. I flinched as the fear I felt earlier on, swept over me again.

" When you are ready to go on an exciting journey that will change your life, call me. I know more about your life, things about you, you don't even know about. We shall meet again, little bird"

He winks, his face easing back into a cocky grin. I watched him walk away.

I was stunned. Strike with bewilderment and confusion.

Things about my life? the words kept echoing in my head.

I picked the card he left for me.

"Chris Anderson" was the name written on it.

Who the hell are you?