A new Job

I was suddenly woken up by a knock. I groan covering my head with the pillow, praying the person goes away. It seems the annoying bug at the door didn't budge, as I heard another knock. I yawn tracing my hand on the headboard until I found my phone. It's 10 am! And I still feel sleepy. I surge up straight, stretching out my arms lazily. It must be Suzy with her usual breakfast in bed. It's always a nice gesture, but today I'm irritated by that, it costing me my beauty sleep. I couldn't sleep because of some certain someone.

I lurch off the comforter wrapped around me. I got out of bed reluctantly. I staggered towards the door with groggy eyes. I yank the door open.

"Suzy" I sprinted out of my drowsiness. There stood the handsome devil who ravish my breath away, with that heart dripping kiss. The reason I tossed and turned all night just thinking of him. I trembled a little inside reminiscing the passionate kiss. I dunk in a deep breath, trying to control how frenzy I was.

"The Sleepyhead finally decided to wake up, I want you downstairs in 30 minutes, and wear something formal" He ordered in a grim tone with a cold stern face I'm so familiar with.

"Mr. Smith uh what is the occasion? "He ignores me, storming away.

Ah, his cold mood is activated. He kissed me and bolted away without uttering a single word to me, and he just had to appear to rave-up my thoughts, addressing me rudely like yesterday never happened. How obnoxious can he be? I was scouring with anger. He can go to hell. I slumped back into the bed.

I conflicted with myself, either to let my anger get the better of me and go back to sleep, or do as I was told out of sheer curiosity.

My curiousness won. I showered quickly, and dress up formally like he requested, in a skirt and blazer. I rush downstairs. He was sitting on the couch with a bored expression.

He stood up, without sparing me a glance, and walked out. Leaving me wondering what to do, whether to follow him or wait here. Jeez, he is so confusing, he told me to come here and now what.

"Miss Jackson, we are taking off" his chauffeur informed me

I rolled my eyes, he could have just told me to follow him. I joined him in the car, sitting beside him. If glares could kill, Mr. Smith could be dead by now, I'm immensely shooting a series of hot glares at him.

"Mr. Smith, where to? " He ignores me again pretending I don't exist. What is with him today?

The car sparkled alive as we drove off to God knows where.

The car halt to a stop. The chauffeur open the door, I thanked him, getting out. I peered at the magnificent building. What are we doing at Lynx?

I didn't notice Mr. Smith was out of the car heading towards the entrance at a fast pace. I follow suit, walking in a haste to catch up with him.

The atmosphere was solemn and silent when we walked in, employees were going about their work with much tediousness. Not even a tilted of ahead, they are so focused like robots. This isn't surprising, It's Mr. Smith's lair, and this is expected.

None of them acknowledge him with greetings as normally employees do. Knowing Mr. Smith. I'm sure he will just ignore them, so they don't bother to do that.

We took the elevator heading to the last floor, which must be his office.

"Good morning Mr. Smith" A stout middle-aged man acknowledges him as we step out of the elevator. Finally, someone could talk. The silence here was getting too creepy.

Mr. Smith nods in acknowledgment.

"Hello" The man smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"Mr. Jones, this is Miss Jackson, my new secretary" Mr. Smith announced.

Huh, his secretary, my mouth hangs open glistening at him. What the hell!

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Jackson, welcome to Lynx" Mr. Jones offered a hand for a handshake. I was so muddled up with my thoughts, that I left him hanging. He awkwardly places his hand down.

Noticing my error, I muttered an apology to him whilst squinting my eyes at Mr. Smith the cause of my confusion.

"Get the proposal drafted before noon, the investors will be coming over tomorrow, I want to go over it before the day ends " Mr. Smith instructed Mr. Jones.

"Okay sir," Mr. Jones said scurrying away.

"Mr. Smith" I followed him to his office.

"I don't remember applying for a job as your secretary" He ignores me and crouch down on his seat, switching on his PC.

I stood there still waiting for a response from him, but it seems I'm not getting that. I abruptly sprinted to the door. I must well get the hell out of here if he chooses to ignore me like I don't exist.

"Miss Jackson" he called back. I turned walking back to his desk.

"I need a tempt to fill in as my secretary until I get a replacement " He explains

"No" I rejected

He furrowed a brow at me

"No?, I offered you a good source of income and you are turning it down"

"I already have a job, I'm a painter remember?" I told him. I can't comprehend him at all. I recall he had an issue with me painting part-time. He called me mediocre for that reason, and now he is offering me a job, leaving me with only on weekends to paint. How will I make time to paint in case I will have to be exhibiting my works.

"I appreciate your nice gesture, but I'm okay with the monthly payment from the contract" I declined nicely. Hoping he drops his offer. A wave of a fear jolt through me. No way I'm returning to the corporate world. Not after nearly getting jailed over a theft, I was wrongly accused of at my previous job. I'm still traumatized by that. What if history repeats and that happens here. Or things go wrong and I commit an unforgivable mistake. I can't take the risk to go through that awful experience again.

"Miss Jackson I advise you to consider my offer" he pressed on persistently.

I shook my head. There is nothing he could say to convince me, I don't care about how good the salary may be.

He closed his eyes for seconds with a hissed.

"I was wrong about you" he bluntly said.

Where is he going with this? Can't he just accept my decision?

"This reveals much about you. You are just like those no life out there, nothing but an indolent who refuse to work for a living and feels comfortable being a parasite living with us for ....." he paused clenching his fist.

The words sting deeply like a slap to my face. I tilted my head back, I gasped shocked at his words. It dunks in deeply. My eyes flicker with hurt and sadness. He is right I have been nothing but a parasite feeding on my host. I have overstayed my welcome. Why am I still living with them? I should have left the moment I got the advance payment from the contract. I got too comfortable living with these strangers forgetting I'm just an intruder in their home. Like he says I'm nothing but a wretched pauper thinking I'm equal to these rich elites. I was a fool to think so.

I'm going to accept his offer, is the little I could do to pay back the kindness they shown me by allowing me to stay with them. I'm going to prove him wrong. I'm not a sloth. I have never been one.

I sniff back the tears threatening to spill out from my eyes. I ease my face into a sad smile.

"I accept the offer" I took the pile of documents from the desk.

"Please sir, where is my desk located, " I asked formally enough.

He stared at me with a blank expression and pointed to a desk at the left corner of the office. I was confused, shouldn't my desk be situated outside his office?

I said nothing and quickly took my seat. I was glad the PC on the desk shaded my face from him. I lowered my head strictly preventing myself from taking a glimpse of him.

I focused my attention on the pile of files. It wasn't something I can't handle. I quickly got on it without a break.

Unintentionally I could glance in his direction causing a pang of pain in my chest, reminding me of his disdain perception about me. I admit his words hurt. A painful realization grasps me. The kiss meant nothing. I should get that into my head, and get over my feeling for him. But my heart disagrees still beating at the thought of him.

The telephone on my desk rang interrupting both of us. I answered.


"Mr. Smith?"

"No, I'm Miss Jackson, the new secretary how can I help you please," I said to the person at the other end of the line. It was a female voice.

"Okay, I'm the receptionist, Mr. Hemingway is here to see the boss," she said

"Let me check his schedules and get back to you".

I ended the call feeling dreadful, I got no option but to talk to Mr. Smith. Suddenly my gaze fell on a tablet with a note tag. I picked it up from the desk. I read the note. His schedule was on this device. I sighed in relief. I don't have to speak to him. I switched it on, found the file containing his schedules. I scan through. He got no meeting until 5 pm.

Instead of walking to his desk to inform him about the client, I ridiculously took the phone given to me it came with the tablet. I dialed up his number that was already stored on the phone.

He picked up, staring in my direction, even though my head was lowered avoiding his stare, I could still feel it at the nape of my neck.

"Sir, There is a client here to see you, Mr. Hemingway," I said.

"Send him in," He said unwaveringly.

I ended the call and called the receptionist back telling her to direct him to the conference room, I'm not sure it will be appropriate for him to speak with his client here in my presence, for the first day.

I called him back " Sir, he is in the conference room" I informed him quickly hanging up. This is getting difficult, speaking to him is causing havoc in me.

A few minutes later he walked out to meet the client. I sigh in relief, his presence was suffocating.I went back to my work. I was bored to death. Even though I got a business degree, that hasn't been something I had wanted to do. I needed a source of income to survive, I didn't want to become a starving painter. So back in college I majored in business management, whilst taking art classes alongside. Great, I'm back to the corporate world.

Surprisingly I finished working on the files earlier than I thought. I quickly printed them out, smacking my lips with satisfaction. I'm going to prove him wrong.

He was back, I got up swiftly from the desk in haste "Mr. Smith, I'm done" I handled the files over to him.

He took it from my grip and flip through. "That will be all, take the rest of the day off"

"Okay, thank you"

I went back to my desk, packing up my stuff, happy to get out of this prison.

"I'm taking my leave sir" I didn't wait for a reply and strode out of the door with my heavy heart

Instead of going back to the mansion, I decided to go shop for new clothes for work at the mall.

James was waiting for me outside when I got out of the building. I ignored him. I'm not going to accept any privilege from the Smith's ever again lest they rub that on my face as well.

"Miss Jackson" He called out for my attention

"James no need for your service today" I halted a cab, I got in quickly before James could intercept.

The mall was busy as usual, it had been a while I have been here. The throng of people here got me so overwhelmed. I made my way to an expensive clothing store, normally I shop at department stores at affordable prices. But as a secretary of the CEO of Lynx. I got to dress presentable. I don't want to embarrass him with cheap clothes, giving him another reason to describe me with unpleasant words.

I bought tons of clothes and shoes. As a shopaholic, that was unlike me, but I got no choice but to buy them even though the clothes were ridiculously expensive, it was for a good cause. So I didn't hesitate in buying them. I bought a few dinner wear dresses, in case I have to accompany Mr. Smith to business dinner parties. In a blink of an eye, I have squandered up the advance payment money with my splendid shopping.

The money left won't be enough to rent a new apartment, as I had planned on doing next month. It seems I got to extend my stay. I sighted. I pray the salary from this new job will be enough to save up for a new apartment and studio of my own. It's going to depend on how long I stay on this Job if I don't get fired due to a mistake. I still feel unease with this. I'm scared something may go wrong and I end up back to crunch. I'm going to be wary and tedious ensuring I don't commit any mistakes. God help me.

I headed out of the clothing store with four heavy shopping bags struggling to grip unto them.

I felt a hand grip my hand, I look down. It was an adorable little boy. He looks barely older than seven.

I smile warmly at him. " Miss," he said with a tiny voice.

He pointed in a direction. I wasn't getting him

"Are you lost, where are your mummy and daddy ?" I asked softly.

He shook his head and pointed in the same direction.

"Ice-cream," he said staring at me with puppy eyes. It made my heart glow with a fondness for this beautiful child.

"Okay" I smiled

I followed him in the direction he pointed with his fragile child-like a hand curled around my hand.

He led me to an ice cream shop, it was empty with no one in.

"There is no one here" I turned to address him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Where did the child go ?

I noticed a guy sitting at a far corner with his back turned.

"Hello, did you see a child…". He got up from his seat and face me.

My eyes widened

"Chris Anderson?"

"Hello little bird"