I like you

Brad's POV

"Mr. Smith?" Her voice simmered out like a whisper.

I enclosed the distance between us giving me the desired opportunity to take a good look at her. She looks fiercely radiant in the sexy red dress I chose for her. I smirk in satisfaction, the moment I laid my eyes on that dress, all I could think of is how April will look gorgeously beautiful in it. She beat my expectations, she looks more breathtaking than I imagined.

"Y-You are the blind date" she stuttered out with her face taut in confusion.

"Blind date?" I repeatedly ask feigning cluelessness. Is that what they made her believe. Not bad, I can manage with that.

I have been a coward all this time hiding under the shadows of my desires. But now I am a man with an ambitious mission tonight, making April mine, nothing is going to stand in my way tonight that is fairly dangerous for her because I never give up until I grasp what is mine.

"Wait, you didn't know about this?" A panicked look was written on her face.

"I'm sorry, this must be a misunderstanding Mr. Smith, I got no part in this"

I frown not getting her ramblings.

"What do you mean by that?"

Lines formed on her face with anxiety. I frown am I making her feel this way.

"I took no part in this. I know you are getting the wrong impression of me at the moment" There was a strain in her voice.

"And what will that be?"

She grasped her fist, her neck went stiff.

"You might be thinking I planned this with AJ to trap you like a no life escort, you probably see me as" Her eyes got blurry with tears with every word she uttered out

Where is this coming from? I hate seeing the despairing look on her face.

"I don't think of you that way, believe me," I intensely gazed at her.

She swiftly riveted her stare.

I sighed, the night isn't going as I planned.

"I orchestrated this so-called blind date" I confessed.

She gasped searching my face with her beautiful grey eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt you with those awful words"

Her eyes widened like she is struck with some sort of realization.

She laughed bitterly.

"So this what all this about, luring me here to make up for Your mistake" she tilted her head staring down at me with disappointment.

"You could just say sorry"

She swiftly walks past me.

My heart thud in panic. I'm blowing up this.

I can't let her go. I reached out for her hand engulfing it with mine.

"April" I breathe out. She let out a gasp.

I whirled her around to face me, pulling her close. I cupped her face rubbing it with my thumbs. She winced at my touch.

"I was wrong about you and I regret every word I said to you. You didn't deserve the harsh treatment from me"

I paused rasping in a steep breath.

"Dine with me tonight April" I plead, sounding desperate. Because am a desperate man

She sighed with the flicker of her eyes.

"Why?" she asked.

A rash of adrenaline tingled through my body.

"Because I want to know you April"

Her lips parted, as she close her eyes for some seconds.

"Why do you want to know me?" her eyes flicker with curiousness.

I rubbed the area between my eyebrows, taut by her question.

My mouth went dry as my breath rattled.

"I like you April" I blurted out.

Her eyes widened open, gasping with her fingers touching her parted lips.

"I- I don't know what to say" her voice rattled.

I placed a finger on her soft lips.


"You don't have to say anything "

I dunk in a deep breath.

"I know I lure you here using crook means employing the help of your friends. I regret doing that. So I will man up this time and ask you"

I took her hand in mine And stare deep into her mesmerizing eyes.

"April will you have dinner with me tonight?"

My heart thudded every second waiting for her answer. As she remain silent and dazed.

I could hear the rustling sound of her breath, making a jolt of trepidation grip me.

"Yes" She said the answer I hoped for.

I engulfed her into an embrace. I was washed with relief and elated. This girl is going to be the depth of me. Look at how I am acting up like a teenager going on a first date with his crush.

She was still in a jinx state, as I led us back to the table with our hands entwined together.

We took a seat and sat in tranquil silence.

She avert her eyes from me anytime she caught me staring.

"Mr. Smith, Miss Jackson"

We turned our heads to the distraction interrupting us.

It was the chef I was waiting for, the best chef in the City.

"I'm sorry for the delay" he apologized.

"Apology accepted what's on the menu chef?"

"Coq au vin, a classic red wine chicken stew from Burgundy, served with mash potatoes and broccoli."

"Oh my God, coq au vin?" she said in a squealing excited voice with her eyes glittering with delight.

I smiled at her reaction.

"That's my favorite dish, actually I have not had the chance to taste it, but it has been my fantasy dish. I thought that dream is far from my reach and…I" she paused nervously grinning realizing she was babbling.

The chef smiled at her. She looks cute whenever she babbles.

Guess the old April is back.

"Thanks, chef" she flashes him a grateful smile making me feel jealous. I made this happened not him.

He nods

"Your meal will be served soon," he said walking away.

"Thank you for requesting this dish" she shyly said with a flush across her cheeks.

I beam her a smile.

"How did you know it was my favorite dish?"

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"AJ did tell you?"

"Yes, that was hard to grasp, how can your favorite dish be a food you have never tasted?"I taunt her with a teasing grin.

She rolled her eyes at me

"I said it my fantasy dream food," she said hissing through her teeth.

"Fantasy what" I laughed.

She glared at me shifting her gaze from me.

I chuckled, it feels good pushing her buttons.

A waiter came in with the dish.

April's face lightened up.

I was goofily grinning at her reaction.

She wasted no time dipping a spoon into the coq au vin.

She scoops it into her mouth and lets out a delightful moan.

"Hmm taste so good than I imagined"

I watched her devour the meal like nobody is there. Like I don't exist. I was fascinated watching her in awe.

My phone beeps. I grits seeing the message from Veronica.

When I finally decided to pursue April. I had no option but to reluctantly ask help from my nosy sister, Veronica. She came up with the idea. Using the help of her friends. AJ and the other quirky friend.

Even though I don't trust AJ I united him and April, by allowing him to visit the mansion whenever he wishes, mainly because I could use him to get to April like this scenario.

I'm skeptical about her newfound friend, whether she should be trusted or not. She can be from the enemy's camp

The message reads:

Hey, this is your manual for tonight!

It was a first date, questions to ask. She sent to me. I chuckled reading through.

This is absurd I don't need these ridiculous questions. Back off Veronica, you are interrupting my date with your messages.

I replied her

Brad Sebastian don't you dare screw this up. This is her first date ever. she replied.

I jerk my head up staring at April with amusement. I was shocked by this revelation.

I was typing to reply to Veronica.

"Mr. Smith"

I raised my head.

"We are in a personal space, don't you think you should drop the formalities?" I said.

She uncomfortably blushes.

"Okay how should I call you?" she asked

"Call me just Brad"

Her eyes flicker a little.

"Sebastian is your middle name right"

I nod.

"It suits you" she flashed me a dazzling smile that made my heart thud a beat.

"Would you mind if I call you Sebastian?" she said playing with her food

I hate being called that especially when my mom does but looking at this beautiful angel sitting in front of me. There is nothing I could refuse her.

"of course, I won't mind"

"Sebastian" she utters out, making chills run through my body. I like how she says my name like a whisper in the wind.

"Why aren't you eating? your food is getting cold" She scolds.

"You could feed me" I wink at her earning a flush on her cheeks and unblinking blush.

She chuckled.

"You are ruining my moment" she flash me a warning look, she pouted her plump lips making me wish to kiss her when my eyes fell on her lips.

"Okay fine," I said in indignation picking up a spoon reluctantly.

"How long have you had this fantasy of yours?"

She smiles gaily.

"Ever since I was a teenager. I saw it in a food magazine, the name sounded so fancy, Coq au vin" she laughs.

"Unfortunately I couldn't afford it, I was a broke teenage back then" she sadly said

My heart clouded with gloominess. It was the same painful look I saw in her eyes when she starred in the lady in the white, painting of hers

I gently squeeze her hand, dashing her a smile.

"I'm glad I fulfilled that dream tonight"

Her eyes soften, we got lost staring deep into the eyes of each other. The second time in the night I had a steep desire to kiss her, but I hold back.

"Where did you grow up?" I asked broking the dazzling spell.

"Huh" her face looked giddy.

"Where did you grow up?" I repeated the question. Which I already know but am just keen on striking up a conversation with her.

"I grew up in Stone Ridge with my grandma" she proudly said.

"Stone Ridge, a historical town with Dutch centuries-old stone houses, I moved away to New York after graduating from high school" she added sadly.

I knew that also, but there was something I'm missing here, What's the reason behind the pain look in her eyes? My mother left out tons of information about her because she thinks I could grow a soft spot for her, becoming attached to her. Once upon a time, I was a sensitive child, but my parents killed that trait in me when I turned fifteen, with the brute way they groomed me into becoming the stone-cold cocky bastard successor of their business dynasty.

I could feel the sensitive side in me gradually erupting up because of April. She affects my emotions in a deep way that makes me feel consternated sometimes.

I could just dig up the stuff about her that my mother is concealing from me easily but I reframed from it. I want to build a special bond with her, hoping she will come to trust me and confide in me in the shadows of her past.

"What about you, where did you have your childhood?" she threw the question back at me diverting my mind back to the conversation.

"San Miguel de Allende, a beautiful town in Mexico. I lived there with my Abuela until we moved to New York to live with my parents" I revealed

"Whoa, I learned that's a beautiful town, wish to visit there someday," she says with a yearning in her voice.

"Your wish is my command senorita, we will visit there anytime you want. Just say the magic word" I flirtatiously said

She blushed laughing softly.

My heartbeat at a fast pace. Even her laughter affects me leaving me to jinx up.

She cleared her throat, casting me back to reality.

The waiter was back.

"Please do you care for dessert," he asked.

"No thank you" she replied, placing her hand on her belly, giving a signal she is full. I noticed she was done eating her coq au vin. Mine was left untouched. The sight of her was a distraction enough to restrain me from eating.

The waiter turned to me.

"Two glasses of white wine" I ordered.

He nods, clearing the table and scurrying away to go get the wine.

I turned my attention to April who glowed on her cheeks. I hope I'm causing this reaction.

"Why did you offer me the secretary job?" she suddenly asked.

My head snapped back.

"I bullied you into accepting that, didn't I? I'm sorry April for being a jerk. I didn't intend to use that unsavory words to describe you. I just selfishly wanted to keep you by my side" I lucidly said. That was half the truth.

Her eyes went soft.

"You are forgiven, you bribed me enough with the coq au vin" she jokingly with a laugh.

I chuckled.

She went quiet again fidgeting with her fingers.

The waiter was back shortly with two glasses of wine.

April muttered thanks to the waiter.

"April" I softly said.

"Is this your first date?"

Her cheeks flushed.

She dunks in a breath.

"Yes," She said blushing

My heart glowed with pride being the first man to have dinner with her.

Thank goodness I got rid of that wimp of a bartender. He would have stolen this opportunity from me.

"It's an honor to be your first date ever" I took her hand and softly kissed it.

She smiled shyly in return with a twinkle in her eyes.

"It was a lovely dinner, thanks," she said

We sat in silence sipping up our glass of wine. Soft music began to play.

We turned our heads to see a woman playing the violin.

I smiled, just in time.

April's eyes sparkled with astonishment.

I took her hand guiding her toward the violinist.

I wrapped my hands around her waist. "Dance with me" I whispered into her ears. She nods as she curled her hands around my neck.

We were dazed in our world as we sway to the smoothing classic rhythm of the violin.

"Thanks for dining with me tonight, beautiful"

She blushes with her mouth curved up into a small shy smile.

"It was a lovely date thanks," she said

Suddenly I felt her lips on mine.

She froze realizing what she has done.

Without giving her the chance to escape I claimed her lips passionately kissing her. Our lips tangled in harmony as the violin kept playing in the background urging us on.

My heartbeat rapidly when I felt her rake breath.

We finally broke off, gasping to control the rasping of our breath.

Her eyes shine.

"I like you too Sebastian" she breathed out

I smiled feeling like the luckiest man tonight.

Our dinner date was over, the dinner perfectly went well more than I hope for.

We walked towards the exit with satisfactory smiles flush on our faces

My body suddenly went stiff with my pulse racing when my eyes landed on a woman I never expected to see.

The treacherous mother of April.

I swiftly spin April to face me, making her rest her head on my hard chest, shading her face from seeing her mother who abandoned her all these years.