know thy enemy

Know thy enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you may never be defeated.

This quote by Sun Tzu in the art of war has been written and sealed in my heart and mind. Its seed has been planted and ready to manifest.

It took me three years to relearn about myself, what made me a weakling as April Jackson. I peeled off every fragment of my weakness and through its broken pieces, I was rebuilt into something unbreakable. Ready to fight a million battles.

I'm coming after those who hurt me, like a dark horse they won't see me coming.

"Miss Montgomery, the meeting has started." My PA notified me.

A big smile broke on my face. Time for the first phase of my plans.

"Lead the way."

I boggled up all the confidence I have built up for three years now as I walked in to face my foes. This time round I am fearless.

The conference room came to a standstill when I walked in.