Egg donor

"April." I flinched hearing my name on my mother's tongue for the first time. It sounds alienated to my ears.

I have waited all my life for this moment when my mother will call out my name. I thought it will jolt a special feeling out of me but I feel nothing. Just resentment, pure detest of how my name 

sounded on her tongue.

"My baby girl." She whispered softly and reach out to cup my face. I winced at her touch as bitterness swelled in my chest and the old pang wound of her abandonment hit me.

"Don't call me that." I snapped at her.

She winced dropping her trembling hand down.

"Ma'am kindly step away " Johnson my bodyguard interfered sternly holding my mother's hand to push her away from me.

"Please" My mother shudders at his firm grip.

I broke a breath in, rubbing my finger on my forehead detesting the emotional strain this reunion with my egg donor will inflict on me.