franternizing with the enemy

Brad's POV

I deserve more than a slap for selfishly taking my pleasure from her sweet luscious lips. When I saw her on the dance floor looking red like sin, hanker of lust consumed me. Engulfing her in my arms made the last voice of reason evanesced from my mind when I pressed my lips on her soft tender skin, I was like a horny bastard on loose. I wanted to claim her, hoover, and devour her. I wanted to taste her.

For three long years, I have laid on my cold bed alone, fantasizing and lusting over her. I take cold showers because my groin gets the better of me anytime my mind is filled with dirty thoughts of devouring her. Getting to taste her lips, her sweet skin again, the feel of her skin under my touch, felt like I was bolted to heaven…..