She is my home

Brad's pov

Never in a million thoughts have I imagined seeing April in my penthouse again.

But here she stood looking perfectly beautiful with her brown curly hair adding color to the room. What she is missing is her dazzling smile. Hope I earn a smile from her at the end of the night. I can only wish.

 When she touched her lips, my brain sent signals of tingles down to my groin, as I felt the luscious urge to kiss that plump lips of hers again whilst strumming my fingers into her curly hair.


She stiffened.

Jeez, dick, way to make her feel comfortable in your presence. I just have to ruin this moment with my dirty thoughts. I cuss myself.

"Sorry." I apologize feeling more like a dick.

Her expression turn cold as she ignores me, and went to sit beside Kayden. And I stood like a fool in love who couldn't keep my eyes away from the girl I am so crazy about, and she has no idea.