Confessions in the rain

"Have you guys had the big talk? Talk about your break up?"

Suddenly the room felt hot and my cheeks were burning. My palms got sweaty as I kept rubbing them on my dress.

I swallowed hard and Brad sitting beside me wasn't helping.

Dr. Cavendish whiz an appraisal look at us.

"Well, that answers my question. If you guys are going to have an efficient communication to decide on issues concerning Kayden you need to have some sort of cordial relationship. And the only way you can achieve that is if you guys talk about the past. "

I draw a breath as my heart got heavier. It raced faster when I looked at Brad.

The door squeak opened revealing Kayden. He was back with the file.

He hands it over to her with a smile.


"Our session is over for today." She says.

"It's a pleasure getting to know you pal. " She smiled at Kayden.

He got up like a little gentleman and shake her hand.