
"Fine" I gritted, reluctantly agreeing in resignation.

 "Too bad you choose the diplomatic option. I was looking forward to carrying you out of here in my arms" He grins.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Like hell was I going to let you show off your wild caveman tendencies"

Laughter vibrated from his chest making me smile because I missed the sound of his laughter.

"Anyway, I can't just drop all my responsibilities today and follow you home," I said, reminding him I got a job.

"I don't mind helping out," He shrugged.

"What's next on your schedule?" He asked.

"Pitches to review"

"Let's get to work then"

And that's what we did. With Brad's help, we reviewed a lot of pitches from small companies who are seeking for Zinc to come on board and invest in their companies.