Go back to your roots

I spend hours hiding in my office. Hiding away from the world that hates me now.

I have cried enough. The tears that were steaming down my face were helping me to cope with the stab of pain inside but doesn't make the pain go away.

It hurt so much that the best part of me, which was being an amazing artist is lost like I was never April Jackson the talented painter everyone admired once.

"Miss Montgomery," Stephanie knocked at the door, catching me off guard.

"Give me a minute," I said in a cracked voice.

I gathered myself. I used a tissue to wipe away the stain of tears on my cheeks.

Nonetheless, that wouldn't help hide the fact that I have been shading tears. My eyes look puffy and reddish.

"Come in"

She walked in and closed the door quietly behind her.

Her eyes swill in my face, and a sad sympathetic look crowded on her face.