Hot Wheels

Coach Hedge POV

"All right, boys and girls, just because your season is over doesn't mean that you can take it easy. You're gonna work harder than ever," I barked.

Toughness was what worked best when coaching teenagers.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring loudly. All the swimmers immediately tensed. They knew that phones and gadgets were not allowed in the pool room.

"Oh, I wonder whose phone that is?" I growled in temperament.

One of the bigger swimmers of the team stepped forward. Frank Zhang was generally a good teammate and student, so it was a little confusing why he broke the 'no-phone' rule now.

"Coach, that's my phone, can I please take it? It might be important," he said pleadingly.

"Fine, just this once, Zhang," I said sharply.

Frank started walking over to the bench. Meanwhile, the rest of the team started to enter the pool. I noticed that Percy Jackson wasn't here again. He hasn't shown up to practice for two days despite having to hardcore prepare for States.

Percy was the best swimmer that has graced the halls of Goode High. He was only a junior, yet he had a serious shot of placing very high in the States competition.

"All right, let's go, swimmers. You all can do better than that," I barked.

Most of the swimmers on the team weren't trying very hard. Of course, their season was over, so they didn't feel the need.

However, an athlete has to always practice and be ready for competition.

"Coach Hedge," Frank said softly as he came up to me. Frank had tears bristling in his eyes as he gazed at me.

"Everything all right, Zhang?" I asked in a lower voice.

Zhang simply shook his head before coming forward. He whispered the news into my ear so that no one else heard.

"Percy is at the hospital. He had an infection, and he's blind now," he said quietly. His voice was shaking with emotions. I knew that Zhang and Jackson were good friends.

I stared at the large swimmer in shock.

This couldn't be real. My star swimmer permanently lost his vision.

"Zhang, you are dismissed if you'd like to leave," I said boldly.

"Thanks, Coach," he said before rushing away.

I took a seat on the bench. Percy Jackson was made and born to swim, but now he couldn't. Despite being a tough guy, I couldn't stop my sadness. Goode High lost an amazing athlete, who was already creating a name for himself, his school, and his town.

Why did the world have to be so screwed up?

Why were the gods so cruel, especially to those who are talented and kind-hearted?


Jason POV

It's been over a week since Percy lost his vision, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see and talk to my best friend. He was going through so much change, and I had to be there for him.

So, I decided to sneak into the hospital and go to Percy's room.

He's just gonna have to deal with it.

I quickly crouched behind a bed as a group of nurses walked past me. I've had several close calls as I made my way towards the patient rooms. Mrs. Blofis said that Percy would be discharged soon, so I was assuming that Percy was feeling a little better (despite losing his vision).

I finally made it to Percy's room.

His name was on the clipboard that was hanging on his door.

I slowly and quietly walked into the room. Mrs. Blofis was feeding Percy some hospital food that looked disgusting. Percy's face looked disgusted as he took a spoon full of cereal.

"Hm, mom, no. I don't want this," he said in annoyance.

Percy gently pushed the table away.

"Percy, here, at least drink some juice," Mrs. Blofis said as she held the bottle and straw out to my best friend.

He tentatively took a sip before pushing the bottle away.

"No, mom, I don't want any of this," he said in frustration.

I simply stared at Percy. He was such a strong and independent person, but now, he needed someone's help to do the simplest of things, which is eating.

However, I knew that Percy would learn to adapt. I was hopeful.

Mrs. Blofis looked tired as she moved the table away. Percy sat there quietly before starting a small conversation with his mom.

That was when Mrs. Blofis noticed me.

"Percy, Jason's here."

Percy didn't say anything as I stepped forward. He was looking straight ahead since he couldn't actually see me.

"Jason, how did you get in here?"

"Well, Mrs. Blofis, you know me. I can be sneaky if I have a mission in mind," I said.

Percy scoffed as he shook his head. A small smile graced his face, though.

"Jason, I have a few errands to run. Will you be able to stay with Percy for a little while?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, of course," I said.

Mrs. Blofis left soon after that, which left me and Percy alone. I delicately went forward to inspect Percy. He looked perfectly normal. I lifted my hand in front of his face and waved it around. Suddenly, Percy's face came forward as he tried to bite my hand.

I yelped as I pulled away.

"Really, Jason?" Percy asked.

"I guess, I was just checking," I said awkwardly. We stood in silence before a conversation started.

"Does everyone know?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," I replied as I patted his shoulder.

"How was your game on Saturday? I listed to highlights on the radio," he said.

I smiled at my best friend even though he couldn't see it.

"Yeah, it was good Percy. We won, which qualified us for the regional quarterfinals."

Percy nodded with a smile. He was very selfless. Percy knew that he was gonna have to lose swimming, yet he was happy for my own athletic achievements.

"Percy, how long have you been in this room?" I asked.

"What choice do I have?" Percy asked. I noticed that Percy was trying to look at me, but wasn't quite angling his head properly.

"You know what bro, how bout we take you out of this room?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

I quickly left the room and returned with a wheelchair. "Come on, get in the wheelchair," I said.

Percy stood up in confusion but stepped forward. I let Percy find the wheelchair himself, which took a couple of seconds and a few bumps. However, I knew my best friend enough to know that he'd like to do things on his own.

"All right, let's go, hot wheels," I said as I pushed out of the room.

We pretty much went around the floors of the hospital.

"Oh, Percy, a hot nurse coming up to your right," I said teasingly. "If you wanna..."

Percy fixed himself and brushed his hand through his hair. He was facing the right with a charming smirk and intense eyes. Percy has always had a way with the ladies. After all, he was able to date Rachel, who was the head cheerleader.

From the outside, Percy didn't look any different.

I watched as the nurse blushed lightly before turning back towards her paperwork as we approached.

"Well, Jason?" Percy asked once we turned into a new hallway.

"You got her to blush, bro," I said with a chuckle.

"Yup, I still got it," Percy said slyly as he flexed his good looks and people skills.

We were both laughing and talking when we got back to his room. Finally, the conversation and our laughter died after Percy got back onto his bed.

"Thanks for coming, bro," Percy said with a smile.

"Of course," I said. A few minutes of silence took over the room.

"Percy, do you miss it?" I asked softly.

I watched as Percy's smile slowly melted away. Percy grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest. His face turned slightly away as emotions swirled around his eyes.

It was such a sad look.

"It's scary," he whispered. "I'll never be able to see you or anyone ever again. I won't be able to swim. Everything's changed."

I watched as a few stray tears flowed down his cheek as he continued to hug his pillow tightly and a downcast look entered his eyes.

Once I left his hospital room, I simply slid my back down the nearest wall. My elbows rested against my bend knees as I sat there helplessly. My hands pressed against my face and wiped away loose tears. This was so screwed up and so hard.

My best friend didn't deserve this at all.

I simply sat there in the hallway next to Percy's room for a long time.