
Annabeth POV

I was quite impressed with Percy as the days passed by. He was slowly readjusting with being at school and being out of the house.

All of our friends were certainly happy to have him back.

There would be times when things would get awkward. We'd be talking about a video or a picture, and Percy couldn't see them. It was sad, but Percy made sure to not make anyone feel bad about his condition.

Seaweed Brain was one of the strongest and kindest people I knew.

I still cannot believe how much we didn't get along before. I guess that was a silver lining for me.

Percy and I were walking towards the front door to go out into the parking lot. Percy was wearing ripped jeans and a tighter, cloth t-shirt. The green color emphasized the sparkle and beauty of his eyes.

Sue me for noticing, but Percy looked incredibly attractive today.

Percy was handsome in general. Swimming toned his body while genes made his face very appealing to look at. Today, his casual outfit further emphasized his looks.

I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head.

"Percy, are you sure that you want to go to the swim meet?" I asked.

"Yes, Wise Girl. It's the first swim meet of the season. I want to be there for the team even though I'm not a part of it anymore," Percy said firmly.

"It won't be too hard for you?" I asked cautiously.

Percy paused. His walking stick took on a vertical position as he rested his palms on top of the hilt. Mr. Blofis (who was the English teacher and also Percy's step-dad) couldn't take Percy home today because he had a staff meeting after school.

Jason and Thalia were driving Percy home along with me and Piper.

"I'm trying to move on, Wise Girl," Percy said softly.

"Yeah, ripping off the bandaid," I replied to which he nodded silently.

A few sophomores and freshmen girls passed us in the hallway. Their eyes lustfully intensified on Percy. I glared at them. It irked me that these girls were checking Percy out.

Some of them backed off after noticing me.

I've been told that I could be scary when I wanted to be.

"Too bad he's blind because he's so hot," one girl whispered not so quietly to her friends. A few of them giggled.

Percy sighed sadly as he started walking again.

"Get lost, girls," I snapped in anger. "Also, who cares if he's blind," I said before following Percy.

"Wise Girl, thanks," Percy said as I walked next to him.

"Seriously, Seaweed Brain, who cares if you're blind. I certainly don't," I said earnestly.

Percy gazed at me. He wasn't looking directly at me, but he was looking in the general area of my face. He smiled softly.

I was glad that I was able to make him feel better.


Jason POV

"Jason, keep your eyes to yourself," Piper said in annoyance.

I quickly turned away from the girls that were coming out of the changing room. We were at the first swim meet of the season. I've been to several meets before to cheer on Percy.

"I wasn't looking at them, Piper," I said quickly.

"Stop lying, bro. You were definitely, probably checking on the girls of the team," Percy said chuckling.

"Not helping, Percy. Also, don't act like you weren't doing the same," I said.

"I literally cannot do that," Percy said laughing.

I simply stared at my best friend for a second. However, I realized that he was joking rather than saying it seriously. If I didn't respond soon, it would become serious.

"Bro, I know that you were probably imagining it," I said with a chuckle.

"Touche," Percy said slyly with a hand gesture.

Piper ended up hitting both of us at the back of our heads, which only made us laugh harder.

Percy's swim team was facing several swim teams today. These 5 teams went up against each other during the first meet of every season.

I noticed that the other teams were more chill this time around. Of course, they were cool because they didn't have the biggest threat (ie Percy) competing against them.

Regardless, several swimmers came to acknowledge Percy throughout the morning.

It was certainly a kind gesture from his former competitors.

I was an athlete myself, so I greatly respected the spirit of Percy's teammates and competitors in the pool.

As the swim meet went on, Thalia and Annabeth joined us. We were all cheering for Goode High as well as our friends. Frank and Leo were both swimmers for the team.

Goode High wasn't doing too well. Even our strongest swimmers weren't performing nearly at the same level as Percy.

However, our current swim captain, Luke Castellan, was doing pretty well. He had basically replaced Percy as captain and the best swimmer on our team.

I didn't really like much.

Luke almost seemed happy that he could be the best. However, he wasn't realizing that the only reason that he was the best now was because Percy lost eyesight.

Regardless of Luke's talents, Goode High wasn't going to rank high in the charts.

It sucked to start the season on a bad note in any sport.

"The team isn't really doing as well as they could," Percy said firmly.

"No, they're not," I said.

"They don't have you, Percy. It's a pretty big blow," Thalia said. I glared at my sister. Did she really have to say it like that?

Thalia seemed to realize the fault as soon as she said it. She remained silent because she didn't know how to follow up.

While Percy wanted to support his team, he didn't seem too happy about being here.

"Hey, guys, can we just go to Demeter's cafe to hang out?" I asked.

Annabeth nodded with a grateful smile. She seemed to be thinking about my best friend in the same way that I was. I appreciate Annabeth a lot for helping Percy so much.

"Is everyone else agreeing because I don't do nonverbal?" Percy asked sarcastically

"Yes, Seaweed Brain, we are. Do you want to leave?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, let's go have fun."

With that, we left the swim meet early and spent a few hours at Demeter's cafe, where Hazel and Nico worked. Leo and Frank joined us afterward since they had to finish the swim meet before.

While their individual performances were good today, Goode High's swim team as a whole wasn't the same.


Coach Hedge

Swimming was largely an individual sport. Besides the relay, swimming involved relying on your own skills and talents.

One athlete's performance could greatly raise the ranking of the entire team because that one athlete would rank 1st in all the individual heats that he/she was participating in (with very good times as well).

That athlete used to be Percy Jackson.

None of my other swimmers were able to reach up to him. Also, losing Percy was a great blow to the entire team's spirit as well.

While some of the swimmers had improved since last year, other swimmers stayed stagnant.

I had noticed that Percy left the swim meet early today. It must've been so difficult for him to be here. Swimming was his favorite thing to do, and he was excellent at it. Yet, Percy had to give it up.

Goode High barely ranked 3rd out of the five teams in today's competition. Even after the other teams and swimmers left, I stayed in the pool room.

I was a coach, yet I felt like I was letting one of the athletes down.

However, I wasn't sure who I was letting down and why.

"Hello, Gleeson. I'm surprised that you're still here. The meet ended hours ago," a man said as he approached.

It was Goode High's football coach, Lupa. She was a tough, yet comforting coach, and she was a woman. Her gender was substantial because female sports coaches were rare.

Lupa was a very strong and wise lady.

"Hello, Lupa, what are you doing here at the pool?" I asked.

"I was meeting with the defensive line of the football team. I heard from a few players that the swim meet wasn't too successful," she said boldly.

"No, it was not," I said with a sigh.

"I've heard that you're star swimmer is no longer competing," Lupa said.

Honestly, the whole town and even neighboring towns have heard of Percy's condition. Percy was a popular guy and an even better athlete. We certainly lost an athlete that was gonna bring glory and name to our town.

"Yes, Percy Jackson cannot compete. He's blind," I said sadly.

It hurt to lose such a talented athlete.

"I've seen Percy Jackson many times. He's a popular and very talented athlete. He's like an orca, smooth and powerful in the water," Lupa said firmly.

"Yes, he is. Losing him certainly was a blow for the team, physically and spiritually."

Lupa fixed her gray jacket as she stared at me and listened to my words. Her silver eyes were sparkling with wonder.

"Gleeson, you do know that Percy Jackson is not lost, right?" Lupa asked carefully.

"Lupa, Percy Jackson has lost his eyesight. He can no longer swim and compete," I said boldly with some anger.

He was the best swimmer and athlete that I've ever met.

"Gleeson, are you sure that he cannot swim and compete?" Lupa asked firmly.

I froze as I stared at my fellow coach. She simply smiled before retreating out of the pool room. I sat there formulating my thoughts and actions for the longest time.