13: Swimfan

Sally POV

We were sitting in the chairs of Goode High's main office. Percy and I were waiting for a meeting with the principal, Mr. Dionysus.

He was the last step required to pass for Percy to swim again.

Coach Hedge, Chiron, and Paul walked into the room. It was after school, so Paul must've just finished his work.

"Do you think that the board and Mr. D will agree?" Percy asked nervously.

"He better agree," Chiron said sternly.

I shot a warm smile towards the man. Chiron helped my son so much over the past few months, and he was continuing to guide him.

The lady at the front desk stood up. She had a warm smile on her face, and she smelled gracefully of flowers. Her name was Persophone, and she seemed to be a good fan of my son, especially in admiration.

"Percy, Mr. D is ready to see you now," Persophone said brightly.

Percy stood up cautiously and started walking towards the Principal's office. I knew that Percy was sent to the principal's office in the past. He was a pretty rebellious teenager.

We all took our seats in the chairs in front of Mr. D.

Dionysus was a stout and laid-back man with very fun-loving characteristics. However, he could be very serious when he wanted to.

"All right, let me get straight to the point. You're blind, Peter, yet you want to swim again. I've never heard of such a thing," he said boldly.

"His name is Percy Jackson," Paul said tersely.

I knew that Paul didn't like his boss. He complained often enough about the principal.

"Regardless, I cannot allow Percy to swim and compete as a part of the team," he said.

"Why is that?" Chiron asked firmly.

Mr. Dionysus looked shocked. He stood there carefully formulating his thoughts.

"Percy, a blind individual, will be placed within all that mayhem of competition. That is not very good, not to mention the school's liability. So, my answer is no," he said again.

Gods, this man was not making it easy for my son.

"Sir, with all due respect, I can swim, and I'm very good," Percy said pleadingly.

"Here's the thing, Percy. You were very good. We don't know what you are anymore."

Percy looked taken aback. He quietened as he sat in his seat. I immediately felt anger boil up against Mr. D. He had no right to talk to Percy as if he was broken or any less-deserving or any less-talented than he was before.

Paul gently touched my arm to restrain me.

"Sir, you cannot stop Percy from swimming," Coach Hedge said. "And, if it helps, I can take the responsibility and liability. Percy is an amazing swimmer: the best that I've ever seen."

I nodded at Coach Hedge's words.

I was completely confident that Percy can do this even if I was slightly scared.

"I can and I will," Mr. Dionysus said boldly.

"Well then, I guess that I'll have to report you, sir," I said firmly.

Percy turned towards my voice in surprise as did every other man in the room. However, I had done my research, and I was prepared.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Dionysus said in surprise.

"Yes, I will report you and probably get you fired. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1990, the public school system is bound to offer an equal opportunity to participate in any school-sanctioned events," I said confidently.

Even if I was wrong, I was trying to help my son.

"Furthermore, if you refuse to let Percy on the swimming team, we will have to take legal action against you and this school," Chiron finished firmly.

"Wait, wait a minute," Mr. D stuttered.

"And, I will alert the authorities and the federal government," Chiron said.

Mr. Dionysus stared at us all in shock and hopelessness. I knew that we got him.

"So, I implore that you let my son swim," I said.

Percy stood up. "Sir, I love swimming. I know that I'm blind, but I'd love to do the thing that I love to do again. Please, sir," he said softly.

Mr. Dionysus sighed.

"Fine. I'll sign off, but the responsibility and liability are yours," he said to us all.

Percy smiled brightly.

I loved my son's happiness, and I couldn't help but smile.


Percy POV

I was allowed to swim again. I literally couldn't hold the joy in.

"Seaweed Brain, if you smile anymore, you're going to break your face," Annabeth said into the phone.

She had called my mom on facetime to talk to me.

"Wise Girl, I'm just so happy," I exclaimed.

I knew that I was looking directly at the phone because I was holding the phone. Spacially, my brain knew exactly where I was supposed to face.

"So, when's your first day back in the pool?" she asked.

"Actually, today," I said brightly.

"Percy, you didn't call me," she said a little disappointed.

Honestly, I didn't call Annabeth on purpose. I knew that my first day back in the pool was gonna be rough. For some reason, I didn't want her to see me possibly bad at something, especially something that I was supposed to be best at.

"I'm already getting a lot of help, Wise Girl," I said quietly.

Frank and Leo were helping me today. They were on the swim team, so they volunteered to help me back into the pool today (Saturday afternoon). Jason was also coming.

Coach Hedge will also be joining us for a private review.

I wanted to get accustomed to the pool again before joining the entire team.

"Oh," Annabeth said.

We sat for a few awkward moments before Annabeth spoke up, "Well, Percy, I know that you're gonna do great. You love being in the wall."

"Yeah, thanks, Wise Girl."

I never wished to see again more than I did now. I wanted to see Annabeth's beautiful face and gracious smile. My feelings were very strong right now.

I sighed before returning to the conversation as I got ready for swimming.

"Percy, you know that I can see you changing, right?" she asked.

"It's cool. You can enjoy the view if you want," I said teasingly as I threw my shirt in the laundry basket.

Annabeth laughed brightly. Once again, I wanted to see her and be next to her.

"All right, Seaweed Brain. I'm looking away," she said.

Honestly, I had no way of knowing if she was actually looking away or still looking at me. Regardless, I was perfectly comfortable. I finished changing into my swim trunks over my boxers before putting on my swim hoodie.

I packed my swim bag before making my way to the living room.

Annabeth talked with me the whole time even while we were driving to Goode High's swimming pool. I didn't mind one bit.


Frank POV

Percy walked into the locker room wearing his swim bag on his back. Meanwhile, he had his walking stick in one hand for guidance while a phone was in the other hand.

Percy already seemed to remember the layout of the changing room because he went directly to his locker.

Only one problem: it had a combination lock.

"Hey, Wise Girl. I'm here, so I'll call you back afterward," he said to the screen.

"Bye, Seaweed Brain. Have a good time," she said.

So, Percy had been talking to Annabeth. Honestly, I already knew that it was probably Annabeth.

"Hey, Perce, you ready to get back into the pool," Leo said as he clasped Percy back. Percy was much taller than Leo, so it was a little awkward.

"Yeah, definitely," Percy said with a slight nervousness in his voice.

But, that was natural. I'd be more surprised if he wasn't nervous.

Percy's hand fumbled against the locker and the combination lock. He sighed as he placed his bag on the bench next to him.

"I guess that I'll have to get a lock and key instead," Percy said.

"Actually, Leo already brought one," I said.

Leo placed it carefully into Percy's hand. Then, Leo removed the combination lock from Percy's locker. Percy spent several minutes analyzing the lock with his hands before applying it to his locker.

We were out in the pool room quickly after that.

"All right, welcome back, Percy," Coach Hedge exclaimed boldly.

I could tell that Coach was very happy to see his best swimmer back in his pool room. Percy had a lot of work ahead of him, though.

However, I was sure that Percy could do it.

I was actually a huge fan of his swimming despite being good friends with him.

Percy took off his hoodie and hung it set it on the bench. I could tell that Percy had so much experience with this room. He seemed to know the entire layout of the pool room.

"All right, Percy, let's take it slow," Coach Hedge said.

Percy used his walking stick to find the edge of the pool. However, he didn't go in. Instead. Percy walked to the left (deep end) while still trailing the walking stick on the edge of the pool.

Percy was literally walking blind, so he had to be careful with his step.

After all, the floor was wet.

Leo and I both went into the pool. I swam towards the side that Percy was going. Percy was at the deep end of the pool. His one hand was against the white starting board that swimmers used to dive off of at the beginning of a race.

His fingertips trailed the board carefully.

He used his walking stick to measure the size of the lane (from the wall to the first plastic lane divider).

I was treading water in the same lane. Leo was at the shallow end in the same lane.

"You ready, Percy?" Coach Hedge asked.

Percy nodded as he set his walking stick down close to the edge of the pool. Percy carefully sat on the edge. A smile graced his face as his legs went into the water.

Pretty soon, Percy slipped into the deep end.

He was easily treading water as his one hand gripped the edge of the pool. I couldn't imagine not being able to see while in the pool, but he seemed okay.

My friend looked so genuinely happy.

"All right, let's do this thing," Percy exclaimed excitedly.