22: Push & Pull

Sally POV

Percy wasn't having a good winter break.

He didn't come out of his room much except for when he had to go swimming. Swimming helped Percy think and calm down, but it didn't help his mood after swimming practice was over.

According to Jason, Percy and Annabeth had gotten into a fight at the dance.

I could already imagine what it was about. After all, I had been a teenager once. However, I also knew that it was probably my son who pushed her away.

Annabeth was an angel, so I doubted that she was in the wrong.

"Paul, maybe we should talk to Percy. He's been moody ever since the dance," I said.

"Yeah, we should, but we should use caution. After all, this is teenage relationship stuff that we'll be talking about," Paul said gently.

I nodded in agreement.

We were about to go to Percy's room when the doorbell rang.

I sighed as I walked towards the front door. We weren't expecting anyone, so I was surprised to Annabeth at our doorstep.

"Annabeth, dear, you surprised me," I said brightly as I hugged her.

"Sorry, Sally, is it a bad time?" she asked.

"Not at all, dear, come in. I'm actually glad that you're here," I said.

"Really? Why?" Annabeth asked. "Percy's been ignoring me, so I thought that you'd be hesitant of my presence here," she expressed calmly.

"Knowing my son, it was probably his fault," I said brightly. "I'm just glad you're here to cheer him up. He's been kinda down."

"Yeah, probably cause of me," Annabeth said sadly.

"No, it's because he probably misses you after your fight," I said. I didn't know much information about what happened. Percy wasn't talking about it.

"Sally, is it okay if I go talk to Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked.

"Absolutely," I exclaimed with a smile.

I loved their little nicknames for each other. I found it quite adorable but also revealing about the closeness of their relationship.

Annabeth quickly disappeared into the hallway leading to Percy's room. After seeing Annabeth here, I was confident that Percy would be okay. They'd figure things out together.


Percy POV

I was in my room listening to the sports radio station. I really didn't have anything to do, and I was too depressed to find something to do.

I missed Annabeth a lot.

Ugh, why did I have to be so stupid towards her?

I made everything awkward and uncomfortable, and it probably hurt our friendship. I liked her a lot, but I couldn't get myself to accept her. She deserved better.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," her voice greeted.

I jolted up from my bedroom in surprise. For a second, I thought that I was hallucinating her voice, but then, I heard her footsteps come closer.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Annabeth said softly.

"Annabeth, what are you doing here?" I asked while still in shock.

"We need to talk," Annabeth said firmly.

I stood there in silence. My hand fumbled with my nightstand until I found the radio and turned it off. I could smell Annabeth's signature lemony shampoo.

It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating.

"Wise Girl, I don't think there is anything to talk about," I said. "However, I am sorry about our disagreement."

"It's not just a little disagreement, Seaweed Brain. I want you to be honest with me," Annabeth said firmly. Her footsteps came closer to me.

"Annabeth, I already told you how I feel," I said. My voice faltered though.

"Yeah, I think that you were lying," Annabeth said confidently.

My mind raced. Of course, I was lying. However, I didn't know what to say, so we just stood there for several minutes in silence. Even this tense silence with her felt comfortable.

"Annabeth, you deserve better than me," I said with agony.

I suddenly felt a shove against my chest. I fell back in shock and landed on my bed roughly. I sat up in surprise. Annabeth pushed me. I could feel Annabeth's presence standing in front of me.

I sighed. I could tell that Annabeth was angry.

"Who made you believe such a thing, Seaweed Brain? That is so stupid," she exclaimed.

"No, it's not. Annabeth, I'm blind, and you can do so much better than that. Any girl deserves better than that. Why do you think I stopped dating Rachel or anyone?" I asked.

"Oh my god, Percy. Rachel is a pampered brat. She only cares about things from the face-level. You can't believe her," Annabeth snapped.

"It's not just about that. Rachel is right," I said.

Suddenly, I felt a hit across my head. It was light (not meant to hurt), but enough to show her frustration with me.

"You cannot believe that, Seaweed Brain. I like you a lot, and we could be great together if you would just give us a chance. You should know that you're the one pushing away," Annabeth said firmly.

I simply gazed forward in shock. Annabeth liked me, and she admitted it first. Her courage and guts made me admire her more.

I heard her taking a few steps back. I knew that I couldn't leave it like this.

I quickly went forward and blindly reached in front me. Fortunately, my hand hit her arm, and I grabbed it to stop her from leaving. I pulled her closer again.

"Annabeth, it's because you can do better than-"

"That's not for you to decide," Annabeth snapped as she broke free. "If you don't like me, that's one thing. But, you lying to yourself that you don't deserve me is just wrong."

I stood there as I listened to her.

"I like you, Percy. I don't even know why because of how stupid you are sometimes, but I do. It's time that you start thinking clearly and accept your feelings," Annabeth said firmly.

"There's nothing preventing us from being together except your own self," she expressed boldly.

"Annabeth, wait," I said softly.

"No, you need to figure this out for yourself. But, I will tell you this, just because you're blind doesn't mean that you aren't capable or any less deserving of love," she said.

With that, Annabeth walked out of my room.

I simply stood there for the longest time as her words settled into my mind and heart. Of course, Annabeth was right.

If I wanted to be happy, Annabeth was the way. It was up to me, to accept that.


Coach Hedge POV

"Thank you so much, Sir. Yes, he will be thrilled to compete," I said firmly before ending the phone call.

I was very happy as a coach.

The administrators hosting the Regionals Swimming competition accepted Percy into the competition.

Technically, we were all expecting this.

Percy's times for several heats were quite competitive even while blind. As such, the committee had to accept all qualified candidates, and Percy was definitely qualified.

I decided to tell Percy in person, which was why we were meeting at Demeter's Cafe.

"Hello, Percy, thank you for meeting me," I said as I took a seat opposite him. "Hello, Sally, it's good to see you as well."

Percy and his mom were sitting at the booth with their respective drinks.

"Absolutely, Coach Hedge, how is Mellie?" Sally asked politely.

Mellie was my beloved wife, and we were eagerly waiting for the baby to come. In a few weeks, I would be a father, and it was very exciting.

"She is doing great. Thank you for asking Sally," I said.

Sally and Percy both smiled at my answer.

"Coach, why did you want to meet us? I don't mind, though, because we were just at the swimming pool before stopping here," Percy said.

I nodded in admiration. It was good that Percy was keeping up with training even during the holidays. Real athletes tried to practice almost every day.

Suddenly, I realized that Percy couldn't see that I was nodding.

"It's very good that you're continuing to swim. I actually have some good news," I expressed firmly before pausing.

"The Regionals Swimming committee has officially called with a list of qualified candidates, and you were accepted to compete," I said with a smile.

"That's amazing news," Sally exclaimed brightly as she turned towards her son.

Percy simply gazed in my direction in shock.

"I mean, I know that my times are pretty good, but I didn't think that they'd accept me to compete," he expressed.

"Well, they did. Percy, I know you're blind, but that only makes you a stronger and more inspirational athlete. Congratulations," I said boldly.

Percy smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Coach. This is great news, and I'm ready to compete," Percy cheered.

I was happy for my star athlete. Percy absolutely deserved anything and everything that made him happy. I hoped that he also realized this.