
That night, after hearing Mother's words, I decided it was right to ask for help. Once we had retired to our respective rooms for bed, I got out my tarot cards from their hiding place. I needed to know what to do and I needed to know what the future had in store. I thought of the right questions, to ask in the right order, and shuffled the deck.

"Will there be more innocent deaths from the hands of the people?" I asked, and pulled three cards. The first card I pulled was the tower, which represented sudden change and chaos, the second card was justice reversed, which showed unfairness and lack of accountability, and the third was the three of swords, which represented heartbreak and grief. 'So many more will die,' I thought. The cards did not bode well for the people of Salem, especially the women. I picked up the cards and put them back in the deck. As troubling as this information was, I needed to move on to my next question.

"Will we do the right thing pertaining to the preacher's daughters?" This was the question I was most concerned with, as what we did could potentially damage our souls. The first card was the world reversed, which represented seeking personal closure and taking shortcuts. The second card was the king of wands reversed, which represented impulsiveness and haste. The third card was the five of cups, which showed regret and failure. 'So don't make hasty decisions too soon and don't try to take any shortcuts.' I thought. I thanked the cards and put them away. I thought about what the cards had told me, and decided my plan of action was the right one to go with. It was up to the council now, to hear my plan through Aunt Mabel and choose the right course.

It was time to try to get some sleep, so I put the cards back in the deck and put them away. Before getting into bed though, I decided to try a quick good fortune spell. It wouldn't hurt anything, and it might help the council make the right decision. I casted a circle and muttered the spell, and meditated on it for a few minutes.

After I finished, I put away all of the objects I used in their respective hiding spots and made sure they were secure before crawling into my bed. I drifted off to sleep, where I was haunted by dreams of girls I knew from childhood being found guilty of witchcraft, and hung one by one. At the end of the dream, I saw myself hanging by the neck, face pale and eyes clouded over.