Chapter 63

I watch. I watch the tiny campfire dying out. I watch the small but significant crumbs of rock falling from the high cliff that surrounded their little haven. Like a tiger stalking its prey. It was almost time. Almost. I have to keep that in mind; if the timing was messed up then the whole thing would fail. I could hear the small sounds of chests rising and falling, the snoring, the breathing, and the wheezing. It seems like there were three deep sleepers, two unfit members, and four above-average physiques.

The sun was peeking on the horizon as the night was effaced. I checked my internal clock again. Almost. I made my way over, very quietly, to an area that was around fifty feet away from their camp. I counted the seconds go by. It would take around ten minutes for the water to fill the hole in the ground that they were sleeping in. But, three of them would wake up in time and alert the others. They were then going to go up the cliff, seeking higher ground. That's where I come in. The whole point of this was to imitate the water levels rising artificially. Three, two, one. I reached for the blue pill and placed it on my tongue. I breathed out for a second before swallowing it.

A surge of power invaded my body. It felt comforting this time because I had gotten used to it. My muscles were in numbing pain as they morphed into something harder than steel. The amount of oxygen that I breathed in changed dramatically I could feel the air sweeping into every cell in my body. I breathed out. Hot steam evaporated in front of my eyes. The power in my body felt good. No. Great. Perfect. Somethin more than perfection. It was as if I had finally regained something that was once mine.

I lifted my hand as far as I could reach and let gravity take care of the rest. *BOOM!* The ground under me looked like it survived a small meteor. The rock itself did not break, I meant to do that. The shock that was absorbed by the ground would shatter the small but plentiful obstacles in the way of the water underground. This way, the water would be redirected to the hole. The groundwater would then seep into the faulty cracks or moist dirt, spreading the water after the absorption threshold was reached.

Good. I sprinted to the cliff. I dodged plenty of small rocks, weeds, and cracks in the touch place on the ground. Running at tops speeds was not easy on your body, especially when everything's velocity is multiplied by tens of times. Nevertheless, I gritted my way through the injuries until I reached the bottom of the cliff. I, then. used my hands to punch deep enough holes in the cliff to make hand-holds in the solid rock. I could simply have used the other path that I followed before, but I didn't have that much time. The water would be seeping in any minute now.

After a lot of punching and pulling my body up, I finally laid down on the edge of the cliff to take a breath. Using the pills can give you tons of power but it's taxing on your body if I overexerted too much strength. I rolled unto my side and watched the hole from above. I relaxed a little. Now, all I had to do was wait and watch, again.


Flin POV:

"Flin, could you wait outside for a second?" Lily was in the mall, as promised. She was trying on clothes. Too many clothes. I sit outside the changing rooms, waiting for her to become satisfied with at least one of the myriad of clothes that she had tried on so far. What was it with woman and clothes? I've lived a long life, and a pretty good one so far. But, I still don't understand it.

The changing room's door clicked open. "Flin, what do you think of this?"

I didn't even look at her as I said, "It's great, hon'!" I scrolled through the messages on my phone to find something worth looking at.

"Flin! You didn't even look at me!" Lily crossed her arms around her chest and gave me a serious look.

I looked at her and said, "What do you want me to say?"

She took a step back. "W-well..." she scratched her head, "I'm not really sure? Like, is it good...or bad...or too revealing?"

*Sigh* "I've given you all of that and more to all the dresses you've shown me so far," I pointed to the mountain of yellow and blue dresses in the corner of the changing room, "I actually feel bad for whoever is going to have to clean that up."

She was annoyed. "Just so you know, I like this one so let's go."

I stood up and said, "What about all of those?" I pointed at the same pile, again.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I like them, but they're all too expensive. I don't want to rob you blind for a bunch of silly dresses." I nodded my head and waited for her to come back out with her original clothes. When she did come out, we went towards check out and paid for the dress, and left for home.


Micheal Grey POV:

That bastard. Trying to get in my way. I'll show him next time. I tossed the parking slip under my car and drove off, leaving the slip stained on the driveway. "Jasmine, take me home."

Jasmine responded in her usual voice, "Yes, Micheal." The tires began to pick up speed as we read towards the highway which led us to the office building. Along the way, I started to scroll through my phone for any updates on the games. There were less than a hundred and fifty people left. If this was any other year, I would have hated myself for such a failure, but this was different. Two valuable pieces of information have emerged from this turmoil. The monsters and the kid. The kid! I switched the page on the phone and stared at the screen.

Vincent was laying on the edge of a cliff overlooking a wide expanse of flat stone. I also look closer to see what he was looking at. I used my thumb and index finger to zoom closer at the flat rock only to find that there was a small hole in the ground where nine participants were sleeping. What was he going to do? I switched perspectives to one of the players in the hole. Everyone was unaware of the stalker, and they were all sound asleep. Wouldn't this just be the best time to simply finish them off? What was going to happen?

*Rumble* What was that sound? I tilted my phone so I could get a three-sixty view of the hole. Was it a miniature earthquake? It looked like three of the players were wide awake at such a subtle noise. Now I understood why he didn't go after them. Even so, what was he planning on doing? *RUMBLE* The sound got even louder. The three awake players frantically shook the other six, trying to wake them up in time for whatever was about to happen. *KABOOM!* I jumped in my seat as the sound rattled my ears. I swiped side to side to see where it was from. Holy shit! I slowly dragged my finger up the screen to face the ground. Water was up to the players' chests, and many of them were knocked unconscious from the debris that fell on them from the explosion. My mouth hung open as I started at the massive hole on the side of the hole. That sounds confusing, but so did what I was seeing. When did he get explosives?