The First Management Meeting

Everyone was shocked.

Jian Ai's words were like an atomic bomb that blew up everyone present.

Everyone turned to look at Bai Zhou at the same time with an expression that spelled 'What was going on?'

Bai Zhou curled his lips and revealed a sinister smile. Then he nodded lightly. "Let me introduce you to our big boss."

Although Bai Zhou spoke casually, everyone's hearts felt like ten thousand horses had galloped past, leaving behind a puff of smoke.

It was no wonder. Everyone present was an elite in the business world, and they were all talents who had worked in famous enterprises globally. However, at that moment, their new boss was a young lady who had not yet reached adulthood. No one could possibly accept it immediately.

Everyone looked at Jian Ai. Although they did not show it, they sized her up carefully. They wondered what this girl was capable of to make Manager Bai submit to her.