You're Poisonous, Right?

Ji Haoyu took off his sunglasses and revealed his deep and passionate peach blossom eyes. Under the sunlight, he looked around expressionlessly. The girls instantly felt dazzled.

One of the infatuated female students exclaimed before her eyes rolled back and she fainted.

In the cafeteria, the students by the window naturally noticed the commotion in the field and looked out of the window.

"Oh my, he's so handsome!"

"Let me see, let me see!"

"Damn. He's so handsome. He's so much more handsome than the school beaus."

"I want to call my mother and tell her that I'm in love!"

"Why is he so handsome even in slippers?"

"One more look and I'm going to get pregnant!"

The place that was least lacking in love-struck fools was school. When these girls saw a handsome man, they did not even bother to eat. It was as if they could be satisfied just by looking at him.