What Happened?

Wang Yunfa couldn't react for a moment. He looked at Li Xia and blinked.

Li Xia panicked and couldn't help but glare at him. "Why are you acting dumb? I'm asking you a question! Before we got married, didn't you say that you have a courtyard in South City?"

Only then did Wang Yunfa react and nod gently. "There was a courtyard."

However, before Li Xia could rejoice, Wang Yunfa's next words were like a bucket of cold water that poured down on her.

Wang Yunfa said calmly, "But I have already sold it!"

In an instant, the joy that Li Xia was about to spew out froze between her eyebrows. She looked at Wang Yunfa as if lightning had struck her and felt countless one hundred yuan bills leaving her.


"Why did you sell it?" Li Xia suddenly raised her voice, and her tone was heartbreaking.