Only Then Would She Feel Good

Jian Ai naturally wouldn't tell the old lady that this was her car. She only casually lied, "My mother's friend bought a new car. The garage at their home is full, so it's temporarily parked here."

Facing Old Madam Wang, Jian Ai didn't feel guilty at all when she lied. Moreover, her skills were getting better. Eight out of ten sentences were fake.

"Oh." Old Madam Wang exclaimed and couldn't help but ask, "What friend? He's so rich? This car looks expensive, right?"

Old Madam Wang's shrewd eyes shone. Wang Yunmei worked in such a high-class nightclub, so she would definitely know all kinds of big bosses. At first, it puzzled the old lady. Xiao Mei was so pretty, so why didn't she get a rich man?

Now that she looked at this car, it turned out that she had latched onto one but hid it from her.