I'm Your Grandfather

The other party didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. He kicked Qiu Jiahang's stomach again.

Qiu Jiahang felt his stomach churning. Accompanied by the pain from his entire body, he instinctively curled up his body and hugged his head to protect his vital points.

Liao Bo was in an even worse state. At this moment, his eyes and cheeks were already swollen, and the burly man had his hands clasped around his neck. He immediately wanted to hit him against the pillar at the side mercilessly.

Perhaps because they had drunk alcohol, these people were very vicious. They did not show mercy because the other party was a group of underage children.

Just as Liao Bo's head was about to hit the pillar, another hand suddenly clasped the burly man's hand.

"I said stop. Didn't you hear me?"