'Blaze' Organization

At Earl Villa.

The television was also broadcasting the news about East Sea Real Estate, but Wu Bi was not a businessman and was not interested.

In the luxurious and spacious restaurant, there was a table filled with food just for breakfast alone.

Wu Bi usually only ate porridge and eggs for breakfast. The reason for a filled table for today was different, a friend had come from afar.

At the dining table, sitting opposite Wu Bi, was a beautiful Western girl.

The girl looked to be in her early twenties. Her vermillion hair fell to her shoulders, with fair skin and deep-set, blue eyes that were exceptionally lively.

Even though she had just gotten up from the bed early in the morning with no makeup, she was still stunningly beautiful.

The girl's real name was Caroline, and her Chinese name was Xing Li. She belonged to the most mysterious and powerful organization in the world now: Blaze!