Spending Money on Herself (2)

The satisfaction from shopping was the truest. At this moment, Jian Ai suddenly felt the pleasure of buying things crazily after her career succeeded in her previous life.

Re¡gardless of whether it was the staff or the customers, Jian Ai attracted their attention. Not to mention how old she was, but even a rich noble lady rarely bought things in such a manner at a Hongfan Kata's shop. She didn't even blink, as if she didn't need to spend money.

At this moment, the manager of the shop rushed over after hearing the news. He wanted to see if a regular customer of the shop had arrived, but he didn't expect to see Jian Ai. She was a stranger and was obviously not an adult yet.

"Manager, is this child here to cause trouble? I think she chose the latest models that just arrived today. In just a short while, she chose almost a hundred thousand yuan worth of things."