My Brother Turned into That Thanks to Her

CEO Liu swirled his wine glass, causing the glittering red wine at the bottom to dance. "Why, Miss Song, are you not going to give me face?"

Song Qingcheng looked at the man's hand in front of her. The skin between his thumb and index finger was loose and dotted with age spots. She suppressed the gloominess in her heart and took the red wine bottle beside her. She filled the glass half-full and then raised it to touch President Liu's glass gently. The corners of her lips curled up slightly as her eyes scanned the room very quickly. Looking dazzling, she said right after, "CEO Liu, cheers then."

As soon as she finished speaking, she pressed her red lips against the rim of the glass and downed the contents in one gulp.

President Liu looked at her and licked his lips. He did not continue to make things difficult for her. He withdrew his hand from her waist and turned his attention to the banquet.

Ge Wenjuan gave Song Qingcheng a meaningful look.

Song Qingcheng ignored her and poured herself another glass of red wine. After drinking it, she stood up with a faint smile on her exquisite features. "I can't handle the alcohol. I'm going to the washroom."

Along the corridor, Song Qingcheng and Gu Qingwei met again unexpectedly.

Gu Qingwei was chatting happily with two girls in formal wear, with a wine glass in her hand. When she saw Song Qingcheng, she turned icy. After Song Qingcheng had walked some distance away from them, she swore angrily, "Shameless scheming bitch!"

"You know her?" Miss Li glanced at Song Qingcheng's back view.

Gu Qingwei took a sip of the champagne. "I would recognize her even if she turned into ashes. My brother turned into that thanks to her!"

Another Miss Zhang said in realization, "Oh, so that was her. Didn't she take your family's money? Why is she still here?"

"I think I saw her in there with an old man," said Miss Li.

Gu Qingwei sneered. "As long as you give her money, she'd even get on her knees and call you Daddy."

The two companions covered their mouths and chuckled.

Going to the washroom was just an excuse.

Song Qingcheng leaned against the edge of the balcony, looking at the glittering night scene in the distance. The evening breeze blew away the effects of the alcohol. The phone she was holding vibrated. It was a message from Shen Che.

"Are you on the phone with a friend?" CEO Liu's suggestive voice seemed to be right next to her ear.

Song Qingcheng turned around, but it was too late to dodge.

CEO Liu inched closer to her graceful body. When he got closer, he smelled the faint fragrance coming from her. He lowered his eyes, and his gaze landed on the fair and delicate skin near the girl's collarbone. "Why are you panicking? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Song Qingcheng tilted her head to avoid his breath that smelled of alcohol and smiled. "It looks like CEO Liu has had a few drinks tonight."

"Well, the alcohol doesn't get one drunk; one gets intoxicated on his own accord." CEO Liu took another half-step forward, planning to kiss her. He did not hide the look of deep infatuation in his eyes. "It's been a long time since I've seen a beauty like Miss Song. The first time I saw you, I knew my investment in the Lu Corporation was well worth it."

"CEO Liu?" Another voice came from behind.

CEO Liu frowned when he was interrupted. When he saw who it was, his expression was immediately changed. "Isn't this President Hou?"

"Brother, I've finally found you!" President Hou walked over quickly and pulled CEO Liu towards the banquet hall. "President Yu of Hengyuan was just saying good things about the elevators in my office building and has asked me which company installed it. I see a business opportunity for you so I've come to get you."

Hengyuan owned a significant number of properties. If he signed a contract for elevators for these buildings, it would definitely make a huge profit.

When he thought of this, CEO Liu became excited. "Then, hurry up!"

Against a business opportunity, even the most beautiful person had to take a backseat.

After watching the two of them leave, Song Qingcheng lazily turned around. She was no longer interested in the night scenery of the city. She did not want to return to the banquet hall so she simply strolled to the rest area.

The air conditioner in the hotel was turned on. Wearing a gown that exposed her back, she sat down quietly and soon felt the chill. She could not help but hug herself lightly, gently rubbing her hands on her arms and trying to get rid of the goosebumps on her skin.

Soon, she found herself having cold symptoms.

Song Qingcheng felt her nose hurt and wanted to take tissue from her bag. As she lowered her head, a drop of blood fell on the back of her hand.

Realizing that something was wrong, she immediately raised her head and covered her mouth and nose with her right hand.

The tissue packet had not been opened yet so it became a little troublesome to tear open the seal with one hand. At this point, she looked like a seriously ill patient. Any movement could cause her nose to bleed copiously.

Just as she was at a loss, she felt the back of her head being held firmly.