does he treat everyone so well?

"i'm out for a meal with the younger generation." auntie xu stood up as she spoke, her smile wide."mr. gu, do you have a business meeting here tonight?"

"i have a dinner appointment." gu zhengshen nodded.

as he spoke, he glanced at song qincheng, who was drinking tea with her eyes lowered.

the number of coincidences, especially between a man and a woman, was so high that one couldn't help but think about the wrong things.

however, gu zhengshen only had some doubts. he did not think that way at all. it was not only because song qincheng had a past with his nephew, but mainly because song qincheng's attitude was too obvious. she had always been indifferent to him.

this kind of indifference was not a trick of playing hard to get, it was purely because she did not want to have anything to do with him.

gu zhengshen was also puzzled. why was he not liked by this girl?