mrs. fujimoto likes miss song

song qincheng turned around.

it was already dusk, but the ultraviolet rays on the mountain were still scorching.

song qincheng's mind went blank for a moment when she saw him waiting for her. then, she went back to get the hat.

he walked up to her, and before she could reach out to take it, yu tingchuan put the straw hat on her head. song qincheng felt her vision go dark, and she subconsciously grabbed the brim of the hat with both hands.

perhaps it was mealtime, but there were shouts coming from outside from time to time.

"let's go."

song qincheng took a few steps out and felt something strange. she turned around and saw that yu tingchuan had not moved. he was staring at her, and on the man's usually serious features, there was a faint smile.

for some reason, song qincheng's ears turned red, and she was glad to hide it under the straw hat.

"what's wrong?" she said, pretending to be calm.