i will always be by your side

song qincheng sat on the sofa with her coat on her lap. she undid the top few buttons and looked up at yu tingchuan, who was taking off his suit. " "do you want to try it on now?"

yu tingchuan casually threw his coat to the side of the bed, and his gaze fell on the coat in her hands. he noticed that it still had a tag on it, and he asked with a smile, " "i'm afraid that these clothes are not cheap."

" ... " song qincheng's face was a little warm.

she naturally understood that his definition of noble and incorruptible was from her perspective.

he couldn't tell what brand the clothes hanging in his cloakroom were, but judging from the fabric and workmanship, many of them were handmade and customized.

in comparison, the coat she had bought looked very ordinary.

song qincheng stood up with her coat in her arms and mumbled, " "it's actually not bad. i just saw it when i passed by and thought it looked pretty, so i bought it."