i only need you

the two of them returned to the living room. yu tingchuan loosened his tie and sat down on the sofa. he patted the seat next to him, signaling for song qincheng to sit down as well.

"is Joice unhappy?" song qincheng sat down and asked.

even though Joice didn't cry when she left, song qincheng could still sense the change in her child's mood. song qincheng could more or less understand Joice's feelings at that time. after all, she had a similar experience before.

"he never knew about my divorce with his mother. now that he knows, he has his own thoughts, but he doesn't resist it too much. i brought him to the old estate because there are some problems that are more suitable for his grandfather to explain to him than through me. "

as soon as he finished speaking, yu tingchuan looked at song qincheng's face and said in a gentle tone, " "are you not used to being with Joice at night?"