want to know what we talked about?

five or six minutes later, song qincheng came out of the ward with Joice.

the child's drip was not finished yet. the patient's coat was draped over the child's patient uniform, and the child's features were delicate. song qincheng helped to hold the bag of calcium chloride and closed the door behind her. she didn't bring Joice downstairs immediately. instead, she sat on the public chair opposite the nurse's station, planning to let the child finish the bag of calcium chloride first.

the seat was made of plastic. song qincheng borrowed a cushion from the nurse and put it under Joice's butt.

after sitting down, Joice's feet could not reach the ground.

in late march, the hospital did not turn on the heater.

song qincheng asked Joice if she was cold. there was wind in the corridor, and her hands and feet would get cold during the infusion. she was afraid that the child might catch a cold if she was not cured of her allergy.