yu tingchuan's protection had always been there

song qincheng was pregnant herself. as she looked at the familiar ultrasound images and test reports, she shifted her gaze up to confirm the patient's name again. it was indeed mu jingyu, which meant that mu jingyu was pregnant and was almost three months pregnant.

"what are you looking at?" shen che leaned over curiously.

mu jingyu's ultrasound report was still displayed on the screen.

shen che's vision was good. with a quick glance, he caught sight of the two words " mu jingyu ", including the two columns for department and examination location. one column was for gynecology and obstetrics, and the other column was for the fetus and its appendages.

shen che knew how old mu jingyu was, so he immediately fell silent.

song qincheng saw that he had noticed her, so she didn't try to hide it. she closed the picture and saw a new message from Joice in the chat box."i saw this on the table. is aunty really sick?"