the boss yu who was responsible for picking her up during the college entrance examination

the first chinese exam was at 9:00 a. m. it started at 00 and ended at 11:30.

in the exam hall, the students were only required to bring their admission passes and stationery. there were three invigilators in each classroom. song qincheng recognized one of the teachers. he was from the third high school, but he didn't teach the third year, probably to avoid suspicion.

as the test papers were handed out one by one, the entire classroom was filled with the sound of rustling.

song qincheng's heart skipped a beat when she received the paper. even though she was a few years older than the other candidates, this was her first time taking the college entrance exam.

she wrote her name and admission number on the left side of the answer sheet, then took the paper and began to read the questions.

when the bell rang for the second time, the candidates picked up their pens and began to do the questions.