why are you looking at me if you're not watching tv?

the news of the deaths from the demolition of green fragrance garden had died down on the internet a day after. the development of the situation had been controlled by hengyuan. although some busybodies had dug up the past disputes of hengyuan's projects, it did not cause a thousand waves like yesterday.

on the afternoon of june 12th, the official account of the southern city police made a detailed explanation of mama xu's autopsy report.

mother xu did not die from the collapse of the house as the internet said, and there were no signs of homicide. after a professional autopsy, it was confirmed that the old woman's death was natural.

some of the netizens who had originally posted on the changbo and wanted to help xu qiang get justice tacitly kept quiet and no longer dared to stand out. some netizens were unwilling to admit that they had misjudged the person and still held on to the fact that hengyuan's demolition work was not in place.