Better Not Meet Him Again!

Xiao Muling raised her hand to cover her chest. She suddenly felt a little irritated.

'Wait!' She rose abruptly and turned to look around. 'This heartbeat… is the same as mine!?'

Xiao Muling was surprised and repeatedly confirmed that the heartbeat she heard wasn't hers.

Puzzled, Xiao Muling walked forward. As she walked, the energy surrounding her dried her clothes.

As she passed through that forest garden, the heartbeat became more pronounced.

Walking to the stone wall at the edge of the space, Xiao Muling looked up at the mossy cliff and pursed her lips.

She turned her head to look at both sides and then looked at the stone wall again. Upon closer inspection, there was no moss on the stone wall. Instead, there were faint traces of carving.

"This is…" In the past, there was no stone wall in the space. Now, there was even something carved on the stone wall.

The moment Xiao Muling's fingers touched the stone wall, black light suddenly flowed around her body.

The light flowed through her fingertips and into the stone wall. Xiao Muling saw the light flashing through her fingertips.

Surprise flashed across her eyes, and she wanted to retract her hand to take a closer look at it.

At this moment, the power in front of her sucked her in.

Xiao Muling instinctively wanted to break free, but she was completely enveloped by darkness at that moment.

Turning around, she found that she was surrounded by darkness. The stone wall had long disappeared.

She could feel that the power was like layers upon layers of a vortex. She was standing in the center of the vortex!

'Damn! What the hell is this?' Xiao Muling cursed in her heart and became more guarded.

This was the first time something like this had happened in the space. She wondered what she would encounter later; it was better to be careful.

The darkness faded, and the whirlpool disappeared. A door appeared in front of Xiao Muling.

She hesitated, then opened the door wider. She was met with a breeze of chilliness.

An Ice Palace came into view. There was nothing else in the palace, only ice everywhere.

'Where is this place? Was there such a place in the space?' The pounding of her heart continued. Perhaps it was because she had been listening to it, but Xiao Muling felt that her heartbeat had become louder.

"Let's take a look." She had to figure out where the heartbeat came from. This heartbeat had always been the same as hers.

Following the heartbeat, she walked along the long corridor. The deeper she went, the colder the surroundings became. Xiao Muling was still barefooted and had very few clothes on her.

She wrapped her arms around her body and continued walking forward.

'Fortunately, I have some strength to support myself. Otherwise, how could I have made it this far? What kind of place is this?' She clicked her tongue and sped up.

The earlier she figured out where she was, the earlier she could leave.

Xiao Muling resolutely walked forward and finally exited the long passage before entering an ice room.

This ice room was the coldest!

"This is the innermost area?" Looking around the ice room, Xiao Muling was about to say that there was nothing but layers of ice here when a naked body entered her sight.

'Damn!' She gasped and instinctively took half a step back, but she didn't take her eyes off the naked body.

Lying on the ice was a man, a very good-looking one at that. Just the side of his face was enough to mesmerize people.

It was as if he had fallen into this mortal world. He was noble, sacred, and inviolable. Even though he was just lying there, he exuded an aura of majesty that nobody could come close to having!

He was also like a fallen snow fairy—clean and pure—making people unable to approach him. It was as if even getting close to him was blasphemy!

He was simply a peerless beauty!

Xiao Muling looked at the man's flawless side profile and hesitated for a moment before walking over.

That face became clearer and clearer. When she walked in front of him and saw that face clearly, Xiao Muling's eyes were filled with smiles. 'It's perfect and flawless. I would probably never get tired of looking at it.'

"I've seen many beauties, but none of them can compare to him." As she spoke, she reached out to poke his face.

The person in deep sleep didn't seem to know that she had done all these things. Xiao Muling was slightly relieved when there was no movement.

The man's chest rose and fell rhythmically, which meant that he was only sleeping and not dead. However, his heart was beating rather quickly.

"When did my space have such a place and such a… man?"

'Is this really my space?' As Xiao Muling thought about this, she lowered her head and placed her hand on her chest. Then, she raised her head and looked at the man's heaving chest.

After hesitating for a while, she stretched out her hand.

Xiao Muling frowned slightly. When her hand landed on him, she was attacked by a surge of heat that was burning hot like flames. 'So hot! Just by touching it like this, one would feel as if they were in an extremely hot place and not a place shrouded in ice. No wonder he had to lie in this layer of ice. Otherwise, the heat would've burned him to death.'

A heartbeat sounded in her ears. One was his, and the other was her own. The two hearts were beating at the same frequency!

Xiao Muling was slightly stunned, and surprise flashed across her eyes. "The heartbeat belongs to him."

'But why is his heartbeat the same as mine?' Her gaze dropped, and doubt arose in her heart.

Xiao Muling casually withdrew her hand and accidentally touched his body. She looked over at him again, then raised her hand to poke and squeeze.

"It feels good."

'His figure is impeccable as well.' Xiao Muling shifted her gaze to that face.

At that moment, the unconscious man opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes as deep as the ocean came into view.

'He woke up!' Xiao Muling immediately withdrew her hand and stepped back as soon as the words appeared in her mind. A loud 'f*ck' rang out in her heart!

This series of events only took a few seconds, but she had already retreated 20 feet away.

Xiao Muling felt that this was the fastest and most agile she had moved since she arrived!

The man turned to look at her, his eyes filled with all sorts of emotions.

"You!" His vibe became dangerous all of a sudden, and his eyes stared at her like a beast.

She saw that he was about to get up. Xiao Muling blinked as her thoughts raced. 'I initially thought that he was in a coma, but in the end, he was just sleeping. Even though I have never seen such a good-looking person and especially… admire him, this kind of thing still depends on the occasion.

'The man in front of me exudes a dangerous aura. It's a sign that I definitely can't defeat him now! There is only one way now—to get out while the going is good. Therefore, run!' With this thought in mind, Xiao Muling had already turned around and ran back.

The man had just sat up on the ice bed when he saw Xiao Muling's retreating figure. He struggled to get up and sat back down. He frowned and put his hand to his forehead.

A low growl sounded in the ice room. "Xiao Muling, do you think you can escape?!"

The voice spread out from the ice room, but Xiao Muling had already run far away and didn't hear it. Otherwise, she would definitely be shocked that this person called her name.

She would be even more careful in the future! First of all, it was best not to meet him again!