Murdering a Person and Framing Xiao Muling!

'He, he…' The corners of Xiao Liangxiao's mouth twitched. She looked at Xiao Qing and wanted to kill him, but this was impossible. The person in front of them was one of the Xiao family's most outstanding talents.

They couldn't touch him at all.

Xiao Liangxiao looked at Xiao Muling again and wanted to say something, but Xiao Muling walked out before she could.

"Xiao Qing, bring the corpse. We will go find the elders."

Xiao Qing walked over, picked up the corpse on the ground, and walked out. His simple actions made it look as if he wasn't carrying a person.

"Xiao'er, what should we do now?" Xiao Liuyuan pointed anxiously, his face filled with panic. 'Th-this… This is going to the family elders!'

"What are you anxious about?" A calm voice sounded.

'What did she say?' Xiao Liuyuan looked over and saw that Xiao Liangxiao wasn't worried. Instead, she smiled.

Xiao Liuyuan felt that everyone was crazy today.

"The elders are all on my side. Although Elder Xiao Yi has always been impartial, he won't do anything to me for the Xiao family."

'Even if Xiao Muling brings the matter to the family elders, so what? Will the clan elders punish me for the matter of killing a maidservant?'

Xiao Liuyuan suddenly became calm. "That's true."

Xiao Qing carried a corpse and walked to the elder's yard. Xiao Muling, Xiao Liangxiao, and the rest were there, including Xiao Liuyuan and Xiao Ze.

The Xiao family members looked at them, each and every one of them puzzled. 'What happened?'

Ignoring them, the few of them went straight to the courtyard where the elders were.

They walked into the tall building in the middle of the courtyard, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

Xiao Muling stopped, looked around, and continued walking forward.

This was where the family elders were located. It was said that they would only be in this building when they met others. They would spend the rest of their time in their own courtyard.

Power flowed around her. Sensing the power of the wave, she looked up the stairs.

There were no buildings in the middle of this tall building. One could see the roof at a glance, but there were different attics on both sides of the tall building.

A few auras appeared. At the same time, a lamp was lit beside each of the attic rooms.

Xiao Qing put down the corpse in his hands and cupped his fists. "Greetings to the five elders."

"Greetings to the five elders," Xiao Liangxiao said.

Xiao Muling stood beside Xiao Qing and watched quietly. She didn't say anything or do anything else.

Xiao Liangxiao and the other two also noticed this and snorted in their hearts.

'Xiao Muling really is a fool. She still dares to do this even after coming here. If the family elders want to punish her for being disrespectful to them, even the family leader can't stop them.'

'It seems that Xiao Muling won't leave so easily today. The elders have long disliked her, yet she's still like this. How could they not take this opportunity to punish her?'

Xiao Liangxiao and the others gloated.

Xiao Qing glanced at Xiao Muling from the corner of his eye. He coughed lightly and said, "Eldest Young Lady would like to meet these elders."

"Yes, Little Sister Ling'er, hurry up and greet the family elders," Xiao Liangxiao replied, but the smile in her eyes became even more sarcastic. 'It's as if she came here looking to be punished.'

Xiao Muling retracted her gaze and looked at one of the lights. "I've met these few family elders, but I don't know if they are truly as powerful as the legends say or if they are worthy of my respect."

This pavilion owner's aura was the strongest here.

Even though her cultivation journey had just begun, her sensory sensitivity was still there.

After the five of them came out, five auras had appeared. With these auras, one could tell who was the strongest among them.

Her cold words spread through the tall building, and every word was clearly heard by everyone present.

Hearing this, Xiao Liangxiao and the others laughed in their hearts. 'If we had known this would happen, we wouldn't have been worried when we came. Xiao Muling's current attitude will only offend a few elders. Even if we make a mistake later, the elders will punish only her!'

The silence in the tall building was terrifying. Even the sound of their breathing could be heard.

Xiao Qing's gaze changed, but he didn't say anything.

"Xiao Muling, how dare you!" A stern voice echoed in the tall building; it was exceedingly empty and oppressive!

The few people present frowned when they felt this power. Xiao Muling naturally felt this pressure too.

But when the pressure landed on her body, her surroundings began to ripple slightly.

She didn't see the faint fluctuations on her body, but she still felt that power land on her body and then immediately disappear.

That heavy feeling quickly disappeared.

At this moment, Xiao Muling couldn't be bothered to think too much; she had to settle this matter first.

"Five family elders, it's not that I'm bold, but that I want to consult the family elders first. This person beside here was killed by something. If the family elders can tell me, I will naturally be convinced." Xiao Muling pointed at the corpse lying beside her and spoke unhurriedly.

Xiao Liangxiao's eyes changed, and she finally reacted. 'She deliberately incited the five elders' displeasure just now and then naturally pulled out Lian'er's matter! If they are questioned by a piece of trash, the elders will surely answer their questions. Otherwise, how would they have any face left?'

Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Muling, feeling puzzled. 'She is different today.'

"Xiao Muling, you… You can't cultivate. Do you think the five of us are blind? She was just killed by a water-attribute Spirit Martial Art. What else is there to see?" Another voice was heard. His tone wasn't so steady, and even the people present could hear the dissatisfaction in his words.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Liangxiao's face turned pale. 'I never knew that Xiao Muling had such thoughts! A piece of trash that can't even cultivate; how could she possibly use a Spirit Martial Art's power to kill!?'

"Then, let me ask the five family elders. Since they were killed by a water-attribute Spirit Martial Art, is it possible for me to accomplish that?" After asking those questions, the smile in Xiao Muling's eyes grew even wider.

"Who said such a disgraceful thing!"

Xiao Muling's words had already reached this point. If the elders still didn't understand why they had come here, then they would've lived all these years in vain!

'Who is so brainless to push the blame to Xiao Muling after killing someone?!'

As the angry voice fell, cold sweat rolled down Xiao Liuyuan's forehead. His body trembled, and he knelt on the ground with a bang! 'That damned Xiao Muling! How did she suddenly become so smart? Even if the elders want to side with us now, they can't!'

"You b*stard! You are a metal-attribute Spirit Martial Artist. Could it be that you want to say that you killed her?!" As these words fell, the pressure became even heavier!


"Xiao Liangxiao." Just as Xiao Liuyuan spoke, another voice called Xiao Liangxiao's name.

Among the few of them, only Xiao Lingxiao's Spirit Martial Art had the water attribute. If they didn't say anything, it would mean that they didn't have the ability to do so. That would only damage the reputation of the few elders like this!

Xiao Liangxiao immediately knelt down. "Five family elders, please punish me."