I Was the One Who Let Someone Hit

Xiao Liuce hurriedly retracted his gaze, not daring to look straight at Xiao Canglan. Then, he hurriedly pushed Xiao Liangxiao.

"Xiao'er." He called out, his tone serious. 'The elders have already said so, so why is she still hesitating?'

Xiao Liangxiao gritted her teeth and said slowly, "Yes, I know. I won't do it again."

'Xiao Muling!'

"Elders, don't worry. I will discipline Xiao-er and not let her do this again." Xiao'er was his daughter, so he naturally had to come up and speak at this time.

Xiao Liuce knew what Xiao'er's motive was, but the elders were all talking about her now. If she didn't show weakness, wouldn't the elders be displeased with her? Once there was a slight fault in their impression of her, it would continue to worsen. He would not let that happen!

"Yes." Only then did the elders nod, and their expressions became slightly better.

Xiao Canglan watched Xiao Liuce's actions and indifferently shifted his gaze away, coldly snorting.

He had never cared about Xiao Liuce's attitude toward the elders. Although the Xiao family's elders had some status in the family, this status was only obtained after being flattered. Even 100 years ago, the only person who could barely speak for the family was the family elder in the lead.

Xiao Muling narrowed her eyes and said slowly, "Elder Xiao Yi, please speak quickly."

She wasn't sitting here to see the father-daughter pair curry favor with the four elders.

Hearing Xiao Muling's reminder, Xiao Yi coughed lightly. 'Yes, this isn't why I called them here.'

"Why did you call us here?" Xiao Canglan asked coldly, his tone filled with dissatisfaction.

What Xiao Canglan was most dissatisfied about was that not only did Xiao Yi call him over, but he also called Xiao Muling over.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath and felt helpless. 'Forget it, forget it. He's a slave to his daughter. Besides, what's happening today is just for Xiao Muling to bear witness. There is no other meaning.'

"We'll find out later." Xiao Yi answered and glanced at Xiao Muling.

The four elders walked over and sat down next to Xiao Yi. Xiao Canglan sat next to Xiao Muling, and Xiao Qing stood behind him.

Xiao Liuce and Xiao Liangxiao sat beside Xiao Canglan, feeling puzzled. 'Elder Xiao Yi doesn't like to waste time. What happened today, which made all of us come?'

"Xiao Yi, what is it?" asked the elder beside Xiao Yi.

Why are you here with Xiao Muling? This was what he wanted to ask.

"Bring him up." Xiao Yi beckoned.

'Him?' Everyone turned their heads to look behind and saw the guards from the Hidden Pavilion carrying the unconscious Xiao Ze.

'Who… is he? To be beaten to such a state?' Everyone was confused when they saw the bruised and battered Xiao Ze. 'Could it be that Xiao Yi called all of us over just for one person?'

Xiao Ze's entire face was distorted, making it impossible to recognize him.

"Put him down and go down." Xiao Yi didn't point at the two guards.

The two of them nodded their heads and immediately put down Xiao Ze before turning around to leave.

'This is too terrifying! The family leader and the five family elders are all here. This kind of scene is too rare. What exactly happened?'

Xiao Liuyuan was frightened when he was called over. He was still pretending to be injured, so he was also carried over and placed here.

Xiao Liuyuan indifferently looked away because even he didn't immediately recognize Xiao Ze when he saw him. 'He's just someone who has been beaten up. So what? Someone is beaten up every day anyway…'

Then, his gaze froze, and he glanced over immediately. He couldn't help exclaiming, "Ze'er!"

'Xiao Ze!'

It was only after hearing Xiao Liuyuan's voice that everyone recognized him.

Looking at the wounds on his face, they still couldn't believe that he was actually Xiao Ze.

'Who is this? The person who beat him up was so heavy-handed that even Xiao Liuyuan couldn't recognize him!'

Xiao Liuyuan walked over and picked up Xiao Ze, who was lying on the ground. When he saw Xiao Ze's injured appearance, he no longer cared about pretending to be sick.

"Uncle!" Seeing Xiao Liuyuan's action, Xiao Liangxiao immediately stood up to stop him. However, it was too late!

Her shoulders trembled, and she looked at Xiao Yi slowly. 'I… I seem to know why Family Elder Xiao Yi has called us here.'

Upon seeing this, Xiao Muling shot a sideways glance at Xiao Yi and saw the gloominess on his face. The curve of her mouth deepened.

"Who beat you up like this?! I will definitely avenge you!" Xiao Liuyuan couldn't care less about anything else at the moment. He only wanted revenge after seeing Xiao Ze's current appearance.

The son that he had raised in his hands hadn't been beaten many times before. Yet, he had been beaten to such a state and was still unconscious!

"I was the one who got someone to beat him." A gloomy voice sounded, and the surrounding pressure became terrifying!

With anger on his face, Xiao Liuyuan turned his head and was about to curse when he met Xiao Yi's eyes.


Looking at Xiao Yi's gloomy eyes, Xiao Liuyuan heard a thunderclap sound in his ears. He was stunned, and he slowly regained his rationality amidst his anger. 'He, he…'

Xiao Liuyuan lowered his head and looked at himself. 'I had been pretending to be sick, but I've picked up Xiao Ze now, saying that I wanted to avenge him! I… I had been 'punished!' But now… Xiao Yi is the leader of the elders and has the most authority to speak. Most of the four elders' opinions are still up to him! Before this, I was 'severely injured,' but now that I'm completely fine…

'Wait! Elder Xiao Yi has called us here for this matter!' It was only now that Xiao Liuyuan thought of this. He sat limply on the ground as his mind rumbled.

Xiao Liangxiao staggered, took a step back, and sat down heavily! 'It's over!'

Xiao Qing stood at the back. His face had already darkened by half when Xiao Liuyuan called out Xiao Ze's name. 'Is this… the impartial elder of the family?'

The elders stared at Xiao Liuyuan, their brows already furrowed as they instinctively stood up. 'Xiao Yi knows about everything we did…'

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Muling looked at him thoughtfully. 'He said that he was the one who got someone to beat Xiao Ze up? Is he… helping me again?

Xiao Yi gave her a reassuring look and then stood up.

Xiao Canglan didn't know about this matter. When he saw their expressions change, he wondered what had happened.

Xiao Liuce didn't know what happened either. Those who knew about what happened that day treated it as if they were present.

Neither the process nor the punishment was told to anyone else.

Xiao Qing didn't say anything. Firstly, this was something the family elders should tell the family head, so it wasn't convenient for him to interfere. Secondly, he had been outside for the past few days and was called over as soon as he reached home.

If he was at home and knew all this, he would've gone to Xiao Yi long ago. He wouldn't have waited until now.

As for Xiao Jian, when he heard Xiao Liangxiao say that he would be punished, he angrily came to find Xiao Muling. He had no idea what she meant by 'punished.'

"You just said that you wanted to settle scores with me. Are you mute now?" said Xiao Yi as he glanced between them with a fierce look!

'This is their punishment?!'