You Hit Him?

'But… who would impersonate Xiao Muling? Who would impersonate a good-for-nothing and an ugly freak? If she isn't pretending, what went wrong? Could it be that the sword didn't stab Xiao Muling to death but made her more cautious instead? How much did she remember about that day?' Xiao Liangxiao lowered her eyes as she thought of this and felt panic.

Xiao Muling sensed her panic and glanced at her, her eyes filled with bloodthirstiness. 'Xiao Liangxiao, what else do you have in the Xiao family without Xiao Liuce here? Without his backing, how long can a so-called genius like you last?

'As for Xiao Ze, he said that Xiao Liangxiao wants to be the future head of the Xiao family. The future… Then, who wants to be the Xiao family's current leader? Besides Xiao Liuce, is there another person? It isn't enough for Father to chase Xiao Liuce out of the Xiao family. He cannot live!'

Xiao Muling narrowed her eyes slightly, and her bloodthirsty eyes became even more dangerous.

"Pass down my order—let everyone in the Xiao family know about this!" Xiao Canglan glanced at Xiao Liangxiao and then at the two remaining guards.

"Father, don't forget why they were punished." Xiao Muling looked up and smiled.

If they only talked about the punishment and not the reason, this matter would be meaningless.

"Xiao Qing, bring them there," Xiao Canglan continued. 'Since I know everything now, it's best for me to make arrangements.'

The three of them cupped their fists. "Yes."

Xiao Qing walked out from the side and left with the two people.

"Family head…" The four elders—no, the four former elders—still wanted to struggle, but Xiao Muling sneered at them.

"You also want to leave the main family?" They couldn't even protect themselves, yet they still wanted to speak up for Xiao Liuce?

When the four of them heard this, they immediately shut their mouths. 'Leave the main family? No! Absolutely not! Even if we don't have the position of family elder, we can still become elders in the family. But once we leave the main family, our status would definitely be much lower!'

"Xiao Liangxiao, since you were chosen by the Realm of Summoning, I only want you to be confined. What else do you have to say?" Xiao Canglan didn't look at Xiao Liangxiao and spoke in a low voice.

The position of family leader… Xiao Liangxiao might not be the one who wanted the position of family leader, but Xiao Liuce definitely did.

Because of this, Xiao Canglan decided to kick Xiao Liuce out of the game. He had to consider the matter of Xiao Liangxiao entering the Realm of Summoning. But even if she went, it would be impossible for Xiao Liuce to return to the Xiao family when she returned from her studies!

These four elders had always supported their bloodline. With this opportunity, he naturally had to deprive them of their status!

"Yes, Master." Xiao Liangxiao lowered her head and bit her lip. 'I had only killed Lian'er, yet such a huge matter happened! My father, uncle, and even Xiao Ze have been driven out of their home!'

Her father and uncle supported their branch in the main family. Now that they no longer had her father and uncle, the things that they had painstakingly accumulated would probably…

Xiao Liangxiao clenched her fists; she wanted to kill Xiao Muling. 'It's all her fault! If not for her, how could this have happened!'

"Xiao Yi, take the four of them with you. I don't want to see them again." Xiao Canglan took Xiao Muling's hand and left.

Xiao Yi looked at the four of them and said, "You are still in the family elders' courtyard, but you are no longer elders."

They would be content if they were allowed to stay and be spared a hundred lashes.

If the four of them heard this, they would definitely shout. They would rather be punished with 100 Thorn Whip lashes than to lose their family elder positions!

Xiao Liangxiao watched them leave one by one. She staggered back and fell to the ground, without any strength left in her body.

"Xiao Muling!" She gritted her teeth and called out Xiao Muling's name, her eyes revealing a poisonous glint. 'Before I go to the Realm of Summoning, I must get rid of Xiao Muling, this scourge!'

In her agitation, Xiao Liangxiao was gasping for breath. The wounds on her body started to hurt, and she gritted her teeth.

On that day, the beam suddenly collapsed for some reason! At the time, she only wanted to see how badly Xiao Muling was bullied, so she went to the pavilion to wait for Xiao Jian. In the end… the entire long corridor collapsed!

When the pavilion crushed her, she almost thought she would die. Fortunately, she was fine now.

'I was lucky, but Xiao Muling, do you think you will be so lucky?!'

Xiao Canglan held Xiao Muling's hand and walked toward her courtyard.

Xiao Muling looked down but didn't break free.

"Is Ling'er angry today?" Xiao Canglan asked gently, completely different from before.

Xiao Muling looked up at him. "Father, why do you ask?" She couldn't say that she wasn't angry, but she was okay. In fact, she wanted to destroy Xiao Liangxiao sooner rather than being angry!

Next would be Luo Xuanshuang!

"Ling'er wouldn't have cared about this in the past." If she wasn't angry, she wouldn't have sat there.

When he walked over and saw Ling-er like that, the truth was that he was shocked. That was completely different from the usual Ling-er.

"Without them, won't it be much easier for Father to manage the Xiao family?" Xiao Muling wasn't angry because she knew that they wouldn't be able to escape this time.

"Ling'er?" Xiao Canglan couldn't believe what he had just heard. 'Ling'er can understand all this?'

"Dad, even without Xiao Liangxiao, nobody in the Xiao family can touch it," Xiao Muling said firmly.

Xiao Canglan looked at her and was stunned.

Xiao Muling smiled when she saw Xiao Canglan looking at her blankly. "Don't worry. No one will bully me in the future. Even if I go out, no one will bully me."

She withdrew her hand and clasped her hands behind her back.

Her smile deepened. 'I will not be beaten up again. If anyone dares to find trouble with me, I will let that person know that provoking me is the nightmare of their life!'

"Ling'er," he called.


"Were you the one who slapped Xiao Ze's face?" Xiao Canglan suddenly had this thought.

Xiao Muling hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes."

There was nothing to hide.

At this moment, Xiao Canglan suddenly felt extremely calm in his heart, and then he started laughing.

Hearty laughter rang out; it sounded so carefree!

Xiao Muling was almost frightened by his sudden laughter. "Father?" Are you alright?"

"Good, good, good!" Xiao Canglan nodded. He had never smiled so proudly before.

Xiao Muling was stunned for a moment before she smiled as well.

She had thought that her father was frightened by her.

Xiao Canglan didn't find it strange that Xiao Muling could fight back. Xiao Yi was present at that time, and according to his character, he had heard what Xiao Ze said.

If she beat up Xiao Ze, Xiao Yi would only help to beat him up obediently!

From the corner of her eye, Xiao Muling looked behind her.

The smile in her eyes gradually disappeared, and there was a hint of bloodlust in her eyes. She felt that something wasn't right after walking from the training grounds to this place. 'Xiao Liuce won't leave so easily! Something unexpected might happen!'