Chapter 17 Seems Like I Came at the Wrong Time

Qin Youxuan was aimlessly driving around the streets, and in the end, she parked near the hospital.

She got out of the car, bought a bouquet of flowers from a nearby shop, then returned to her car.

She started the car and drove into the parking lot of the hospital's inpatient department.

Unable to find evidence proving her self-defense, she had to bow her head, however unwilling, to prevent the situation from worsening.

Qin Youxuan, bouquet in hand, arrived at the inpatient department's front desk and confirmed Chuangmei CEO Chen Chuang's room number. She quickly rode the elevator to his floor.

Looking up at the VIP hospital room in front of her, a cold, mocking smile tugged at her lips.

She had been careful in her attack, merely aiming to blow things out of proportion and involve the police. There was no risk to his life.