Chapter 38: I'm Afraid You'll Have to Be Reborn Again

"What are you standing there for? Ye'er is your brother, call him!" Qin Mo's face turned stern when he saw Qin Youxuan not responding.

His scolding finally brought Qin Youxuan back to her senses, she cast a glance at the man standing in front of her.

She suppressed the chaos of memories in her head.

"This is really laughable. If I remember correctly, my surname is Qin and his is Jin. How is he my elder brother? If he wants me to recognize his identity, he might need to re-incarnate. Let's see if he's lucky enough to crawl into my mother's stomach before she passed away!"

Qin Youxuan arrogantly tilted her head up, speaking in a highly sarcastic tone.

She gritted her teeth, her catlike eyes gleaming.

"You insolent girl! What kind of language is that!" Qin Mo's face changed drastically, and Jin Lan turned pale.

However, Jin Chenye looked at the defiance on her face, fleeting hints of complexity flashing in his eyes.