Chapter 85: Not Too Stupid

"It's delicious!" Qin Youxuan responded matter-of-factly.

When you're hungry, everything tastes great!

"Let me try!" A gleam flashed in Dan Hanjie's eyes as he leaned forward.

"The taste is indeed good." It was a while before Dan Hanjie finally murmured between his lips.

Qin Youxuan's cute little face turned a rosy red, unable to differentiate whether he was referring to her lunch, or...her.


"Come feed me." After tasting enough, Dan Hanjie let go, rose from the couch, and dragged Qin Youxuan toward his desk.

"You have hands, why do you need someone to feed you!" Still recovering from her indignation over being taken advantage of, Qin Youxuan instantly jumped at his command.

"I don't eat takeout." Dan Hanjie halted in his tracks and glanced back at her.


So why did he order food if he doesn't eat takeout?

After pondering back and forth, Qin Youxuan pointed to her tiny nose, "Is it because of me?"

"Not too dumb after all!"
