Chapter 89: Are You Satisfied with This Answer?

"Joining the company was just fulfilling my mom's wish. She waited a lifetime, and I couldn't be unfilial..."

"Let go of me!" Upon hearing Jin Lan's name, Qin Youxuan, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, bristled in an instant!

Biting down hard on Jin Chenye's arm, she forcefully pulled her own out from his grasp and retreated several steps.

Her face was filled with rage.

"My mom waited a lifetime? Jin Chenye, you really have the nerve to say that! If not for that shameless woman, who knew my dad was married, still ruining other people's marriages, my mom wouldn't have died! Do you even know how my mom died? She was driven to death! The one who drove her to death was that cheap woman, Jin Lan!"


"Don't call my name! Jin Chenye, listen to me, from the moment you stepped into this house, it was as if you've chosen to side with Jin Lan against me. Why the farce now? You say you don't want the inheritance, so what are you back for? Tell me!"