Chapter 100: I'm not as despicable as you think!

"I've said it before, I don't trust you! I didn't before, and I won't in the future!" Qin Youxuan's eyes rounded in defiance as she glared at him, her hand clenched beside her into a fist.

Her entire body was tightly strung.

"So you're willing to sell yourself, willing to use this as your means of revenge?" Jin Chenye's pitch-black eyes were as deep as an abyss.

Hearing that she was fraternizing with another man was more painful to him than learning she had joined outsiders in a scheme against Qin Group!

"What did you say?" Qin Youxuan stared at him in disbelief, as if she wanted to drill a hole through him with her glare.

So in his eyes, she was that kind of woman...

Ready to sell her integrity for the slightest benefit, what did he take her for?

Yes, she had negotiated with Dan Hanjie, but it wasn't what he was imagining!

Heat rushed to Qin Youxuan's head, and she was about to lose her restraint and rush forward to claw at him!

"I am not as corrupt as you think!"