Chapter 129 Stay Away from Strangers

After finishing her shower and returning to the room, Qin Youxuan tossed her bathrobe onto the sofa and dove into her bed covers.

Although she was dead tired, her mind suddenly became crystal clear.

Especially that text message from Dan Hanjie, it kept floating in her mind.

[Tomorrow at nine in the evening, Yujing Villa]

And Yao's inexplicably mysterious warning...

"Can't he just speak directly, what's with the riddles!" Qin Youxuan rolled over, wrapped herself up in her blanket and grumbled into her covers.

She'd rather memorize a whole book of detailed legal statutes than ponder over a question that was seemingly impossible to solve.

"Master, it's getting up time, if you love getting up or not... Master, it's getting up time, if you love getting up or not..."

Qin Youxuan, who had suffered from insomnia and only fell asleep in the middle of the night, sat up straight on time the next day with a pair of panda eyes and slammed her alarm clock off.